Yoga For Rheumatoid Arthritis: Practicing yoga reduces joint stiffness and inflammation and strengthens the muscles around the joints. If you have arthritis, did you know that exercise is good for you? Yoga can be especially beneficial in opportunism. Because it is a low-impact exercise, it can reduce joint pain and stiffness. And can also reduce inflammation. And can reduce arthritis by strengthening the muscles around the joints.
What is arthritis?
Rheumatoid joint inflammation is an immune system infection that is ongoing. It occurs in joints on both sides of your body and is different from other types of arthritis. You may develop symptoms of pain and inflammation.
Uncontrolled inflammation can damage the cartilage that normally acts as a cushion in your joints. Over time this causes your joints to deform. Eventually your bone wears away on its own. This causes your joints to contract (your body’s attempt to protect itself from constant irritation).
Special cells in your immune system (your body’s infection-fighting system) help with this process. These substances build up in the joints and travel around your body causing symptoms. Rather than affecting your joints, arthritis sometimes affects other parts of your body, which may include: Your eyes, your mouth, your skin, your lungs, and your heart.
How Yoga Benefits Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients
This research suggests how regular yoga practice can benefit people with arthritis physically and mentally. Helps arthritis patients improve their flexibility, making everyday walking easier, while also enabling your muscles to regain strength, increasing joint flexibility and mobility.
As yoga involves deep breathing, it reduces stress levels in patients with opportunistic vata, which is a common side effect that aggravates the condition. It helps in reducing inflammation and pain. In addition, it can also be adapted to meet the individual needs of most people.
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In this session, we are going to tell you five yoga poses that can be practiced regularly to reduce the pain of arthritis.
1. Tadasana
To get the maximum benefits of this asana, follow the steps given below.

How to do
1. Stand straight with your feet two inches separated.
2. Inhale and raise your arms in front of you to bring your shoulders level.
3. Gently rotate your wrist outwards by locking both fingers together.
4. Now inhale and lift your head.
5. Balance your entire body weight on your toes by lifting your heels off the floor while lifting your arms.
6. Hold this position for 30 seconds or as long as you feel comfortable.
7. Now slowly bring your heels down and exhale and release your toes.
8. Now bring your arms down to the starting position.
Read More 10 Simple Yoga Poses For Back Pain
2. Veerabhadrasana
To get the maximum benefits of this asana, follow the steps given below

How to do
1.Stand up straight and spread your legs three to four feet apart with your right foot in front and left foot behind.
2. Now making sure that the heel of the right foot is exactly in line with the center of the left foot, turn your right foot 90 degrees out and 15 degrees to the left.
3. Raise your arms to the sides until they are at shoulder height. Your arms should be parallel to the floor and your palms facing upwards.
4. Exhale and bend your right knee so that your knee and ankle are in a straight line. Make sure that your knee does not go past your ankle.
5. Now shift your gaze to your right side.
6. As you move into the pose, stretch your arms further and bring your palms together above your head to look at your palms. Gently push your range forward.
7. Hold the pose with determination like a warrior and descend with a smile on your face and breathe normally.
8. Come up with a breath.
9. Exhale and slowly lower your arms to the sides.
10. On the left side, repeat this position with your left leg in front and right leg behind.
Read More 10 Yoga Poses To Get Relief From Wrist Pain
3. Bhujangasana
Follow the steps given below to get maximum benefits of this asana.
How to do

1.Lie on your stomach in a resting position and cross your arms in front of you so that you can rest your head on them.
2. Tenderly unite your feet and put your temple on the floor.
3. Bend your arms at the elbows and bring your palms close to your shoulders.
4. Inhale by raising your elbows slightly off the floor. Push your chin out and lift your forehead and lift your two feet off the floor.
5. Make sure your stomach is pressed to the floor.
6. Slowly feel the tension in the spine by thinking of the movements of raising the snake’s hood.
7. Unwind gradually until your body is back level on the floor. Keep your head up until your middle is totally down.
4. Trikonasana
Follow the steps given below to get maximum benefits of this asana.

How to do
1. Stand straight with your feet apart and your feet wider than your shoulders apart.
2. Inhale and raise your right arm straight above your head. Place the right hand parallel to the side of the ear.
3. Exhale and bend your torso to your left side at the waist.
4. Simultaneously push your left hand down with your left foot until your toes touch your ankle.
5. At this time tilt your head to the left keeping your right arm horizontal.
6. Stay in the pose with your knees and elbows straight. Hold this position for 30 seconds.
7. Take a breath and straighten yourself straight and stand erect and repeat this sacred on the other side.
5. Shavasana
Follow the steps given below to get maximum benefits of this asana.

How to do
1.Lie straight on your back with your arms and legs spread out away from your body.
2. Close your eyes and breathe normally and relax.
3. Focus on your mind making sure your body is completely relaxed.
4. Practice regularly until you learn to concentrate,
5.Asana is meant to rest the body for a limited time. Keep practicing the asana until you feel calm.
6. Practice this asana before and after every yoga practice.
In this session we have told you 5 yoga poses. By practicing it regularly, you can reduce stiffness and inflammation in the joints. You can also strengthen the muscles around the joints. Yoga can be especially beneficial in opportunism. Because it is a low-impact exercise, it can reduce joint pain and stiffness. It can reduce arthritis by strengthening the muscles around the joints.
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