Yoga Poses For Office Workers: Morning yoga can help you start your day the right way. And it helps you to feel more energetic and regain balance of body and mind. But if your schedule doesn’t allow time, a little practice of the following 5 yoga poses will help keep you healthy. Apart from this, it will also help to give energy during the day’s work.
In the following session, we are going to tell you the five yoga poses to do. So let us now take a detailed look at those five Yogasanas.
1. Dhanurasana
Follow the steps given below to get the maximum benefits of Dhanurasana.

How to do
1. Lie on your stomach with your legs apart in line with your hips and arms by your sides.
2. Bend your knees and bring your hands back and grab your ankles.
3.Inhale, lift your chest off the floor and pull your legs and feet up and back.
4. Keep a smile on your face and look straight ahead.
5. Keeping the pose steady by paying attention to your breath, your body is now curved and stiffened like a bow.
6.Continue to take long deep breaths while relaxing in this pose. But bend as much as your body will allow you to. Don’t stress too much.
7. After twenty seconds of sitting I should gently bring your legs and chest to the floor while exhaling. Let go and relax.
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Follow the steps given below to get the maximum benefits of Bhujangasana.

How to do
1. In the resting posture, lie flat on your stomach with your arms crossed in front of you and your head resting on it.
2. Gently bring your measure closer and place your forehead on the floor.
3.Move your arms so that they are bent at the elbows and close to all of your shoulders.
4. Inhale with your elbows slightly off the floor, push your chin out and lift your forehead.
5. Make sure your stomach stays pressed to the floor.
6. Maintain the posture by thinking about the movement of raising the snake’s hood and gently feeling the tension in your spine.
7. Relax slowly until your body is back flat on the floor. Keep your head up until your torso is completely down.
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Follow the steps below to get the maximum benefits of Cat Pose.

How to do
1. Start on your hands and knees. Keep your wrists under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
2. Inhale and look at the ceiling, arch your back and lower your stomach towards the floor.
3. Exhale and bring your belly button towards your belly button by rounding your spine and tucking your chin towards your chest.
4. Repeat this movement again, inhaling as you look up and exhaling as you round the spine.
5. Continue for several breaths.
6. When you are ready to leave the post, the tatus and table top should return there.
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4.Balasana child pose
Follow the steps below to get the maximum benefits of Balasana.

How to do
1. Begin by kneeling on your mat with your feet together and your toes pointing back. Now you are sitting on your heels.
2. Fold forward so that your torso rests on your thighs.
3. Place your forehead on the yoga mat with your hands close to your body.
4. Let your back and shoulders relax and widen by relaxing your stomach and hips.
5. Hold this position for two minutes. Then slowly come to the kneeling position and relax.
6. Child’s pose is a great way to relax and recharge. Enjoy its calming effect and gentle stretching. This is a pose that all levels of yogis can enjoy.
5. Adho Mukhasana
Follow the steps below to reap the maximum benefits of Adhomukh Swansana.

How to do
1.Get on your fours and prepare a table so that your back forms the table top and your arms and legs form the legs of the table.
2. While inhaling raise the hips, straighten the knees and elbows to form an inverted V shape with the body.
3. Hands shoulder width apart, feet hip width apart parallel to each other. Fingers should point straight ahead.
4. Extend your neck by pressing your hands to the floor and touching your ears with your inner arms wide through your shoulder blades.
5. Hold the downward dog position and take a deep breath to look at the navel.
6. Exhale and show the knees and come back and relax after reaching the table.
In the above session, we have told you 5 yogas, detailed information is also given, according to these steps, you should do yogas regularly. Because it will make you feel more energetic and help to regain balance of body and mind. Take time out of your busy schedule to practice the above five yoga poses. This will help you to maintain a healthy body. Apart from this, it will also help to get energy in the day’s work.
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