6 Poses to Manage IT

6 Poses to Manage IT | Yoga for Uric Acid Control | Yoga for Health


We all know the wonders of yoga for our overall health. Also, many people are not aware that yoga can help in reducing high uric acid levels naturally. Check out Yoga for Uric Acid control.

Your friend is made up of uric acid and most of this waste (uric acid) is excreted through urine or feces. Uric acid is a waste byproduct that is produced after the breakdown of purines in the body. One type of protein is found in meat, mushrooms, and certain protein supplements. When your friends are successful in effectively flushing out the acid, it accumulates in the blood.

This causes solid crystals to form in the joints – a painful condition known as gout. Once you have opportunistic disease, it can cause sudden, severe pain, swelling, redness, and tenderness in the joints. Big toe. Although gout cannot be cured, its symptoms can be managed. Yoga is one way to relieve uric acid.

Read on to learn about natural ways to help lower uric acid levels.

1. Limit purine-rich foods

2. Eat more foods that are low in purines.

3. Drugs that increase uric acid levels should be avoided.

4. Maintain moderate weight.

5. Avoid alcohol and sugary drinks.

6. Have coffee.

7. Increase the intake of vitamin C

8. Eat cherries.

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We are going to tell you 6 yoga poses in this session by practicing them regularly you can reduce your uric acid level.

 So now let us know about those six Yogasanas in detail.

1. Bhujangasana

 To get maximum benefits of this yoga asana, perform this asana according to the steps given below.

Yoga for Bhujangasana
Yoga for Bhujangasana

How to do

1. We can lie on our stomach in resting posture with our arms crossed in front of us and our head resting on it.

2. Gently bring your feet together and place your forehead on the floor.

3. Move your arms so that they are folded at the corners and your palms are close to your shoulders.

4. Raise your elbow slightly off the floor and inhale, push your chin out and lift your forehead.

5. Lift your torso off the floor and make sure your stomach is pressed into the floor

6.Consider the movement of raising the hood of the snake and gently tense your spine and keep it sacred.

7. Slowly relax until your body is flat on the floor again and lift your head up until it comes completely down to you.

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2. Tadasana

 To get maximum benefits of this yoga asana, perform this asana according to the steps given below.

Yoga For Tadasana
Yoga For Tadasana

How to do

1. Keep your feet a few inches apart and stand straight and inhale and raise your arms in front of you to the level of your shoulders.

2. Lock both the fingers together and gently rotate your wrists outwards and inhale and lift your arms above your head.

3. Balance your entire body weight on your toes by lifting your heels off the floor while lifting your arms up.

4. Stay in this position for 20 to 30 seconds.

5. Now gently bring your heels down and exhale and release your toes

6. Now bring your hands down to the starting position.

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3. Triangle Pose

To get maximum benefits of this yoga asana, perform this asana according to the steps given below.

Yoga For Trikonasana
Yoga For Trikonasana

How to do

1.Stand straight with your feet apart and the distance between your feet should be greater than the distance between your shoulders.

2. Inhale and extend your right arm straight above your head and place the right arm parallel to the right ear.

3. Exhale and bend your trunk at the waist to your right while simultaneously sliding your left hand down your left leg until your toes touch your ankle.

4. At this point your right arm should remain horizontal as your head is going to be tilted to the left.

5. Reach up with your knees and elbows straight and hold the position for 30 seconds.

6. After inhaling, straighten yourself up and repeat this posture on the other side.

4. Camel pose

To get maximum benefits of this yoga asana, perform this asana according to the steps given below.

Camel Pose Ustrasana
Camel Pose Ustrasana

How to do

1. Keep your upper body upright and your knees down parallel to the floor.

2. Take your hands behind your back and place both your hands on your lower back.

3. Make sure to roll your shoulders back and down as you move into the backbend position by pushing the range forward while arching the back.

4.External rotation of the triceps and forearms with your right arm out and your palms on your horse.

5. Repeat the same with the left hand.

6. Once both your hands are attached to the ankles, push the range forward to keep a good arch in the back but do not bend at the ankles while doing this.

7. Keep your neck moderately engaged and do not let it hang.

8. Hold this position for 5 breaths.

5. Paschimottanasana

To get maximum benefits of this yoga asana, perform this asana according to the steps given below.

Flexible woman in the dance studio
Flexible woman in the dance studio

How to do

1.Sit straight and spread your legs in front of you.

2. Inhale and bring your arms above your head.

3. Exhale as you bend your torso forward from the waist and simultaneously lower your outstretched arms. And hold your toes.

4. Bend more to close the gap between your chest and your thighs.

5. Try to keep your forehead on your feet and keep this posture for about 30 seconds while taking it evenly.

6. Inhale and lift your torso up and bring your hands above your head. Relax your hands and lower them.

6. Vrikshasana

To get maximum benefits of this yoga asana, perform this asana according to the steps given below.

Yoga For Vrikshssana
Yoga For Vrikshssana

How to do

1.Stand up straight and lift your right leg while balancing firmly on your left leg. Bring your right leg to the knee.

2. Now place your right foot on the inner side of your left thigh and make sure that your toes are pointing down.

3. Bring your hands above your head until your hands are extended upwards in prayer position at the level of your chest.

4. Hold this position while taking faith.

5. Stand straight again with your right leg straight by lowering your hands to chest level and then separating your palms.


In the above session, we have mentioned six yoga poses to reduce Yuga acid levels naturally by practicing them regularly. Excreted through urine or feces, uric acid is a waste byproduct of the breakdown of purines in the body. A type of protein found in meat, mushrooms, and certain protein supplements. When your circle of friends is successful in effectively flushing out acid, yoga for uric acid is one way to provide relief.

2 thoughts on “6 Poses to Manage IT | Yoga for Uric Acid Control | Yoga for Health”

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