
10 Simple Yoga Poses For Back Pain


Poses like cat-cow, lotus pose and triangle pose work to strengthen and relax the muscles. It gives relief to the back.

If you are suffering from back pain then you should do this yoga after consulting a doctor. Yoga provides a physical and mental relief as well as treating not only back pain but also the stress that comes with it.

Practicing yoga regularly creates awareness in your body. It helps you to notice where your body is stressed and where it is imbalanced. I can use it to balance and align myself.

 In these 10 poses, we will see how these poses can be used in the treatment of back pain.

What Causes Back Pain?

Repeated heavy lifting or strenuous activity puts strain on the back muscles and ligaments. In people with poor physical condition, constant strain on the back can lead to increased muscle pain.

1 Cat-Caw

Cat Cow Yoga is a gentle backbend that stretches the spine as well as mobilizes it. Practicing this pose also stresses your core, neck and shoulders.

Worked on Get on all fours to do erector spinae, rectus abdominis, triceps, serratus anterior, gluteus maximus.

How to do

Keep your wrists under your shoulders and also keep your knees under your hips.

Balance your weight uniformly on each of the four sides

Inhale as you look up and let your stomach drop to the floor.

Exhale as you tuck your chin into your chest, pull your navel toward your spine, and arch your back toward the ceiling.

 Be aware of the body during this movement and focus on releasing the tension in the body

 Do this movement for at least one minute to two minutes.

Cat-Caw Pose

2. Downward-Facing Dog

These traditional bends are calming and rejuvenating. Practicing this asana regularly helps relieve back pain and sciatica. Improves strength by correcting physical imbalances.

Worked on Hamstrings, deltoids, gluteus maximus, triceps, quadriceps

How to do

Get on all fours and bring your hands below your wrists and place your feet under your knees.

 Bend your toes and lift your knees with pressure on your hands.

Bring your seated knees to a maximum limit.

 Keep the spine long with a slight bend in the knees and lengthen the tailbone.

 Keep your heels slightly off the ground. And hold it tightly in your hand.

Distribute your weight equally on both sides of your body paying attention to shoulder and hip position.

 Keep your head in line with your hands and tuck your chin.

You should fill this post for 30 to 60 seconds.

Downward-Facing Dog Pose
Downward-Facing Dog Pose
Yoga For Back Pain

3 Extended Triangle

An excellent standing position can help reduce back pain, sciatica and neck pain.

Your spine stretches the thighs and hips. And it also works to strengthen your shoulders, chest, and legs. It is used to relieve stress and anxiety.

Worked on latissimus dorsi, internal oblique, gluteus maximus and medius, hamstrings, quadriceps

How to do

Walk your feet four feet apart. Place the toes of the right foot facing each other and the toes of the left foot out at an angle.

Raise your arms lined up with the floor with your palms confronting.

Lean forward and try to hinge on your right hip to bring your arms and torso forward.

Carry your hands to your feet, on the floor.

Extend your left arm to the limit

Look up, down.

You can hold this pose for 60 seconds.

 This should be repeated on the opposite side.

4 Sphinx Pose

This should be repeated on the opposite side.

This gentle backbend helps strengthen your spine and hips. It helps stretch your chest, shoulders and abdomen. It helps to reduce stress.

Worked on : Erector spinae, gluteal muscles, pectoralis major, trapezius, latissimus dorsi

How to do

Lie on your stomach with your legs extended behind you.

Engage the muscles in your lower back and hips and thighs.

Bring your elbows under your shoulders and place your hands on the floor and your palms down.

Slowly raise your head and your torso.

Gently lift and engage your abdomen to support your back.

Make sure to lift up through your spine and out through the crown of your head.

 Keep your eyes forward while relaxing in this pose to stay active and engaged.

Remain here for a few minutes.

Sphinx Pose
Sphinx Pose

5 Cobra Pose

This gentle backbend helps stretch your stomach, chest and shoulders. Practicing this asana regularly strengthens the spine. And also helps relieve stress along with back pain.

Worked on: hamstrings, gluteus maximus, deltoids, triceps, serratus anterior

How to do

Lie on your stomach with your hands on your shoulders and stretch your fingers forward.

Don’t tuck your arms across your chest and tuck your elbows in.

Slowly apply pressure to your arms to lift your head, shoulders and chest up.

You can lift partially or all the way up.

Bend your arms slightly at the corners.

 Tilt your head back to deepen the pose.

Exhale as you come back down to the mat for yourself.

Bring your arms to your sides and head to a relaxed position.

Slowly roll your hips from side to side while releasing tension from your lower back.

Cobra Pose
Cobra Pose

6 Locust Pose

This gentle backbend helps relieve back pain and fatigue. And also strengthens the torso, arms and legs.

Worked on trapezius, erector spinae, gluteus maximus, triceps

How to do

Lie with your hands on your stomach with your palms facing up.

 Touch your fingers together. Turn your heels to the side.

And keep your forehead on the ground.

 Slowly raise your head to chest and arms partially or fully.

You bring your hands together and interlace your fingers behind your back.

Lift your legs to deepen your pose.

Look forward or upward as we lengthen the back of your neck.

 You can stay in this post for up to 60 seconds.

 Take some rest before doing it again.

7 Bridge Pose

There is a backbend and an inversion. is stimulating or restorative. It stretches the spine and helps relieve back pain, headaches.

Worked on rectus and transverse abdominis, gluteus muscles, erector spinae, hamstrings

How to do

Bend your knees and let your heels fly into your sit bones and lie on your back.

Rest your arms by your body.

 Press your feet and hands into the floor as you lift the tailbone up.

 Begin lifting parallel to your thighs.

Keep your hands as they are and bring your palms together under the hips with interlaced fingers.

You can hold this pose for up to 60 seconds.

Slowly bring your spine down to the floor.

Bring your knees together and relax and breathe deeply.

Bridge Pose

8. Half Lord of the Fishes

The twisting pose works to energize your spine and helps relieve back pain. It helps to relieve such fatigue and stimulate the internal organs

Worked on rhomboids, serratus anterior, erector spinae, pectoralis major, psoas

How to do

 Bring your right leg closer to your body while sitting.

Place your left foot on the outside of your foot.

 Lengthen your spine while twisting the body to the left.

Take your left hand behind you on the floor.

Place your upper right hand on the outside of the thigh. Or wrap your elbow next to the left knee.

Keep your hips square to deepen the curve in your spine.

 Turn your gaze to look over both shoulders.

 You can hold this pose for up to 60 seconds

9. Two-Knee Spinal Twist

Restorative flexion works to increase movement and mobility in the spine and back. Your spine stretches your shoulders and neck. Practicing this asana regularly helps reduce pain and stiffness in your back and hips.

Worked on: erector spinae, rectus abdominis, trapezius, pectoralis major.

How to do

Lie on your back with your hands at your sides with your knees to your chest.

Keep your knees as close together as possible. Furthermore, gradually bring down your legs to the left side

You can put a cushion under the two knees.

You can keep your left hand on the knees.

Keep your neck straight or it may turn to either side.

Focus on deep breathing in this position

Hold this pose for 20 seconds.

And take some rest before repeating this post.

10 Child’s Pose

A gentle forward fold helps to relax and reduce stress on your neck and back. Child’s pose works to stretch your hips, thighs and ankles.

 Practicing this asana regularly helps to relieve your stress and fatigue.

Worked on gluteus maximus, rotator cuff muscles, hamstrings, spinal extensors.

How to do

Kneel down.

 You can take a blanket under your thighs or forehead to support your torso.

 Bend forward.

Rest your forehead gently on the floor. Bring your arms close to your body and raise your palms.

Try to focus on releasing the tension in your back as your upper body sinks into your knees.

 You can stay in this pose for five minutes.

 Do this two to three times

 Take some rest before repeating this pose.

Child’s Pose
Child’s Pose


The above yoga poses help to reduce back pain and also increase flexibility and strength. Also, many research studies have found that yoga has many benefits for back pain. Work with a yoga instructor to prevent your symptoms from worsening. Who will create poses according to your needs.

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