In this session we are going to tell you 5 asanas to strengthen your back neck and shoulders. Recommend incorporating these asanas into your daily routine.
Do you constantly feel tightness in your shoulders?
When you’re trying to reach for top-shelf items, you’re probably tripping over yourself.
These are all symptoms of modern day disease and a net and postural vice.
Imagine being able to deal with these problems with a simple and effective solution that you can do these yoga poses anywhere.
If I am telling you that this juice is already used by millions of people all over the world from busy and professionals to top athletes.
I’m telling you that comfort is just a yoga mat away
Welcome to the world of yoga, where ancient wisdom meets greater wellness.
Today we’ll cover five yoga poses designed to strengthen your back, neck and shoulders, so you can stand tall and strong like a tree rooted in the ground.
Just like a well-organized building requires a foundation, so does your posture. Consider that strong posture isn’t just about physical health, it’s a sign of confidence.By incorporating the five asanas into your personal routine, you’re on your way to enjoying the following benefits:
Improved posture stands tall with confidence and ease, making an impression wherever you go.
Less aches and pains Say goodbye to that pesky neck tension.
Increased flexibility leads to higher reaches with turning and new freedom.
Enhanced Breathing A strong back opens the chest so deep breathing can occur.
Read More 7 Yoga Poses To Increase Lung Capacity & Strengthen Respiratory Muscles
I am going to tell you 5 yoga poses to strengthen back, neck, shoulders. By practicing it regularly, you can strengthen your back, neck, shoulders.
So now let’s take a detailed look at those 5 Yogasanas.
1. Cat Cow Pose
Follow the steps below to get the maximum benefits of yoga asanas.

How to do
1.Start with your hands and knees in table pose with the neutral core as you inhale and move.
2. Press your chest forward by lifting your sit bones upwards in cow post and allow your stomach to sink.
3. Relax by lifting your head away from your shoulders.
4, As you exhale, as you round, come into cat pose by rolling out your spine, tucking in your tailbone and bringing your pubic bone forward.
5. Leave your head towards the floor and force your chin to your chest. Most importantly, just relax.
Read More 5 Amazing Yoga Poses For Spinal Cord
2. Child’s pose
Follow the steps below to get the maximum benefits of yoga asanas.

How to do
1. Sit on your heels and bring your head toward the floor with your knees mat-width apart.
2. Let your hands be spread out in front or at your sides or under your forehead.
3. Breathe into your lower back.
4. Stay in the resting pose for 30 seconds and a few minutes.
5. Exhale to roll the vertebrae or sit with a straight spine.
Read More 5 Effective Yogasana For Increase Neck Flexibility
Follow the steps below to get the maximum benefits of yoga asanas.
3. Downward-Facing Dog Pose

How to do
1. Start in an all-square position with your hips over your knees and shoulders over your wrists.
2. Bring your hands past your shoulders, spread your fingers with your middle finger pointing forward.
3. Press the outer edges of the hands, the base of the fingers and the tips of the fingers, thinking to create a suction cup in the middle of the palm. It is called Hastaband.
4. Turn your upper arms away from you and rotate your forearms inward to create a spiral motion in your arms.
5. While exhaling with your toes tucked in, pull your lower belly towards your spine and press your hips back and up into an upper V pose with your hands.
6. Bend your knees initially as you notice the length of your spine.
7. Roll your shoulder blades down along the spine to stretch the collar bones. Relax the neck support.
8. Maintain the length of the spine and walk your dog alternately bending and straightening the legs. Finally bring both heels towards the floor. Do not let them touch the ground.
9. Pause for 5 breaths to come out of the pose by bringing your knees back to the floor into child’s pose or a step toward your hands and into a lunge.
4. Setu Bandhansana (Bridge Pose)
Follow the steps below to get the maximum benefits of yoga asanas.

How to do
1. Start this yoga pose by lying on your back.
2. Bend your knees with your feet flat on the floor, shoulder width apart.
3. Place your hands at your sides with palms down on the floor.
4. Inhale and push your hips towards the ceiling and flatten your head, neck and shoulders to the floor.
5. While holding the pose, there are options for your hands. You can lay yours flat on the ground. For more appeal, you can interlace your fingers, and push your hands off the floor to lift your torso up a bit. You can also place your hands on your back, pointing your fingers toward your lower back and your thumbs out to the sides.
6. Hold this position for a few moments and take deep breaths. Then lower your hips to the floor as you exhale as you move your hands back down to the floor.
5.Camel Pose – Ustrasana
Follow the steps below to get the maximum benefits of yoga asanas.
How to do
1. Come onto your knees with them hip-width apart and then tuck your toes in.
2. Engage your inner thighs and pull your lower stomach in and up and pull your shoulders back.
3. Keep the lower body still on the chest and the neck or lower back should begin to look into the backbend as you exhale.
4. Trace your blog or heel with your hand as you lean back. Or you can do this by circling behind you one arm at a time.
5. Sit on your heels with a neutral spine for a moment, using your inhalation to bring you back up.
We have told you 5 asanas to strengthen your back neck and shoulders in the above session.
By incorporating these asanas into your daily routine, you can strengthen your back, neck, and shoulders. These 5 yoga poses are designed to strengthen your back, neck, and shoulders. You will be able to deal with these problems with a simple and effective solution that you can do these yoga poses anywhere.
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