Yoga Poses For Busy Women: In this article we discuss how yoga can help women in their 30s. As women approach their 30s, they experience various changes in their overall health. Whether it is work or their physical health, all factors affect their lifestyle. Yoga has been known to provide physical and mental health benefits for over five thousand years.
Here we have mentioned 9 yoga poses for women in their 30s
1 Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
Any yoga asana should be done in the right order for maximum health promotion.

How to do
1. Stand straight with your legs slightly apart.
2. Inhale and raise your arms in front and parallel to your shoulders.
3. Gently rotate your wrist outwards, locking your fingers together.
4..Now inhale and lift it over your head.
5. Balance your entire body weight onto your toes by lifting your heels off the floor while lifting your arms.
6. You can hold this position for up to 30 seconds.
7. Now gently lower your heels.
8. Exhale and release your fingers.
9. Now bring your hands down and return to the starting position.
2 Adhomukhasana
Any yoga asana should be done in the right order for maximum health promotion.

How to do
1. Bring your hands to your knees with your wrists under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
2. Push back through your hands to curl your toes under your feet to lift your hips and also straighten your legs.
3. Spread your fingers and bring them down from the forearm to the fingertips.
4. Rotate your upper arms outward to widen the collarbones.
5. Hang your head and bring your shoulder blades away from your ears toward your hips.
6. Engage your quadriceps to lift your body weight off your arms. This activity moves towards making rest posts.
7. Lift your tailbone by rotating your thighs to the opposite side and sink your heels toward the floor.
8. Come forward into a plank position and focus on getting the distance between your arms and legs correct. The distance between the hands and feet should be equal between these two skies. Do not turn the feet towards the hands in Down Dog to keep the heels on the ground.
9. Bend your knees to exhale and place your hands back on your knees.
3. Child’s pose
Any yoga asana should be done in the right order for maximum health promotion.

How to do
1.Fold your legs and sit up straight.
2. At this point, your legs should be facing upwards.
3. Now gently bend your torso forward on the floor.
4. Now extend your arms as far as possible.
5. Your face should be towards the floor and also your palms.
6. In this position your calves, forehead and palms should touch the floor.
7. This yoga pose only stretches your body and also it is a relaxation worship, hence relaxation.
8. You can hold this praise for fifteen seconds. And regularly repeat this asana four to five times.
4. Virabhabrasana II
Any yoga asana should be done in the right order for maximum health promotion.
Yoga for Women’s Health
How to do
1. To assume Warrior 2 pose, start on the front side of your mat in Tadasana or Mountain Pose and also take a step back with your left foot, toes slightly raised.
2. Raise your legs by pressing the four corners of your feet down.
3. As you inhale, raise your hips parallel to the floor, lower your shoulders and lengthen your neck.
4. As you exhale, bend your right knee and adjust your leg and foot position to find stability in the pose by keeping your knee over your ankle.
5. Bend your upper thigh down to the right toward the floor and press down on your toes to balance the action.
6. Press the top of your left thigh back and ground the outside of your left foot to the floor.
7. Pull your lower abdomen in and up and lengthen your spine. Extend through your collarbones and fingertips. . Bring your chin back in line with your neck. And look at your right hand.
8. Hold this position for five breaths. .Straighten your legs while inhaling pressing your legs as you come out of the post. Switch the orientation of your leg and repeat this on the other side.
5 Vrikshasana
Any yoga asana should be done in the right order for maximum health promotion.

How to do
1.Standing straight, balancing on your left leg and bending your right leg at the knee, place your right foot on the inside of your left thigh.
2. Make sure the toes of the right foot are pointing down.
3. Extend your arms upwards with your palms joined in prayer at chest level, lifting your arms above your head.
4. Hold this position while taking deep breaths.
5. Bring your arms down to chest level for you to do all your splits.
6. Straighten your right leg and stand back again.
7. Repeat this Yogasana again with the right leg.
6 Setu Bandasana
Any yoga asana should be done in the right order for maximum health promotion.

How to do
1. Start this festival by lying on your back.
2. Bend your knees and now place your feet hip-distance apart on the floor, keeping your knees and ankles in a straight line ten inches from your waist.
3. Keep your hands close to your body with your palms down.
4. While inhaling, gently lower your lower back, middle back, and upper back off the floor and slowly roll onto your shoulders. Touch your chin to your chest without lowering your chin. Feel your core strong in this pose, with your shoulders supporting the weight of your arms and legs. Bring both thighs parallel to each other and the floor.
5. If you wish, you can push your hands on the floor to lift the torso up without interlocking the fingers.
6. Breathe easy.
7. Hold this yoga pose for one minute. Exhale and return to the starting position.
7 Viparita Karni
Any yoga asana should be done in the right order for maximum health promotion.

How to do
1.Set up your yoga mat with the short end against the wall. If you are using a blanket, place it on the long side of the wall.
2. The best way to get your hips closer to the wall is to curl up. Sit end to end against the wall with your knees bent and your hips and shoulders touching the wall.
3. Roll onto your back with your feet against the wall with the soles of your feet facing your chest.
4. If your butt is not right up against the wall, place the soles of your feet on the wall and adjust yourself by pressing while deepening your back off the floor to lift your butt. Use your hands to bring your body closer to the wall.
5. Once you are stable, close your eyes and stay in this position for a few seconds. You can take your Savasana with your feet up the wall if you want.
6. Coming out of this asana, bend your knees and roll them to one side.
8 Paschimottanasana
Any yoga asana should be done in the right order for maximum health promotion.

How to do
1. Sit flat and spread your legs in front of you.
2. Inhale and extend your arms above your head.
3. Exhale and bend your torso forward from the waist
4. Bring your outstretched arms down and grasp your fingers.
5. Bend further to close the gap between your chest and your thighs.
6. Try to bring your forehead to your feet.
7. Hold this asana for 30 seconds while breathing evenly.
8. Inhale, lift your torso and relax your arms by extending your arms above your head and keeping them down
9 Cat-cow pose
Any yoga asana should be done in the right order for maximum health promotion.

How to do
1. Lift up towards your back by bringing the knees and insides up and form a mountain pose.
2 As you do that, look at your own torso to make sure your face isn’t pushing inward.
3. Push your back inward and form a U shape with your back.
4. Look at your chest as you do it.
5. Repeat the mountain motion from the inner side of the face for a few seconds and make a U shape from the upper side of the face.
6. Change positions sharply.
In the above session we have mentioned 9 yoga poses which you can practice regularly and you will get different types of benefits. Taking time to move your body has a variety of benefits. In addition, regular exercise helps improve the absorption of nutrients from the food you eat. Yoga is very helpful in this area which makes it an ideal addition to your daily routine.
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