3 Superb Yoga Poses To Relieve Allergic Rhinitis: Due to the change of seasons, many people fall prey to different types of allergies. Allergies are common throughout the year and most of us experience them regularly, be it exposure to sunlight as well as flower pollen, tree fruit or flower latex or dust, dirt.
Allergic rhinitis, medically called fever, is a common allergic condition that occurs when a person is exposed to certain allergens or foreign particles. Upon sudden exposure, the human body protects itself by producing histamines.
These chemicals released by the body are usually manifested by nasal passage irritation, sensitivity or as well as red eyes, swelling, runny nose, cough, dark circles, headache, sneezing, coughing, skin rashes, and fatigue.
In addition to common allergens such as dust, pollen, latex, unhealthy food choices, stress and environmental factors can also trigger allergic rhinitis.
Any type of allergy should be taken seriously
As the weather changes, people face allergy problems. Frequent sneezing, stuffy nose, fever, and skin related problems can also cause this problem. In such cases, measures should be taken to avoid allergies. Avoiding allergies and handling them is easier if the immune system is strong.
Allergic rhinitis is a common problem
With changing weather, people suffer from allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis is a common problem that causes inflammation of the respiratory tract. Apart from this, the risk of infection also arises. According to health experts, keep allergies at bay with yoga.
Yoga to prevent allergies
How to do
1.To get the maximum benefit of this yogasana, perform this yogasana according to the steps given below
2.Stand up straight by leaning back two inches.
3.Focus on a point straight ahead.
4.Exhale and bend the right leg, keeping the right leg on the left thigh and your left heel should touch the perineum.
5.Inhale and raise your hands, joining them all together to come into Namaskar Mudra.
6.You can hold this pose for up to 30 seconds. At this time you should make sure that you are breathing normally.
7.Exhale and lower your hands. Lower your right leg to the starting position.
8.This Vrikshasana should be repeated on the left side.

Yoga helps to improve physical balance by improving the structure of the spine due to Vrikshasana. Regular practice of this yoga pose helps in opening the shoulders and heart. Regular practice of this yoga pose is also beneficial in heart disease and breathing rate by improving blood flow in the body. According to yoga experts, Vrikshasana helps in controlling allergic factors.
How to do
1. To get the maximum benefit of this yogasana, perform this yogaasana according to the steps given below
2.Press your hands and palms to the floor by the sides of your body and lie on your back.
3.While inhaling, bring your legs to 90 degrees.
4.As you exhale, roll your range off the floor, moving your legs toward your head. Gently lower your legs over your head towards the floor.
5.Place your hands behind your back for support.
6.Align your fingers on either side of your spine, with fingers pointing toward the ceiling.
7.Raise your arms while lifting your spine.
8.Try to bring your shoulder blades as well as elbows as close as possible.
9. If your toes reach the floor, you can release your arms parallel to your body, palms down, or join your toes.
10.You can hold this position for up to one minute.
11.Bring your arms to the side of your body with palms facing down.
12. As you exhale, gently arch your spine toward the floor.
13.Bend your legs to 90° and pause.
14.As you exhale, engage your abdomen and gently lower your feet to the floor, or simply bend your knees and place your feet on the floor.

This yoga asana helps in maintaining good mental and physical health. Practicing this regularly strengthens the chest. It also helps to open the chest. Practicing it regularly improves the state of stress and balances the breathing process at the same time. This yoga pose is also helpful in dealing with allergy problems.
Fish pose
How to do
1.Lie on your back and bring your arms close to your body.
2. Keep your hands under your hips facing the floor. Inhale by bringing your elbows together and lifting your chest and head.
3. Lift your chest, keep your head back and the crown of your head on the floor.
4. Let your head comfortably touch the floor, press your elbows firmly on the floor and put all your weight on your elbows, raise your chest and press your thighs and feet into the floor.
5. Take a deep breath and stay in this pose for a minute. Relax with each exhaling breath.
6. Come to the starting position with your head up and your chest down. Relax by keeping your hands behind your right and left sides of your body

Matsya Asana helps relieve tension in the lung muscles. It helps to expand and strengthen the lungs. And also increases the ability to take deep breaths. By practicing this Yogasana regularly.
Improves physical balance and improves blood circulation. This also improves the immune system and protects against allergies.
We know many benefits of neem leaves. Neem leaves are rich in anti-inflammatory properties. It relieves respiratory problems like nasal inflammation, sore throat, cough etc. And also treats skin allergic symptoms.
Apply a paste of neem and rose water to treat skin allergies and steam neem oil to treat respiratory symptoms.
Due to its anti-histamine properties, nettle leaves are believed to have the ability to effectively block histamine activity and other pro-inflammatory molecules involved in fever in the body. Rather than overreacting to the presence of halo arjuna, nettle leaves cause the immune system to ignore allergens.
A tea made from nettle leaves and aloe vera has a natural cooling effect that helps soothe any irritation.
A beautiful daisy like flower not only relieves stress and is also a perfect remedy for hay fever.
Chamomile with its anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties not only soothes the symptoms caused by the acute process of physical allergies, but also relieves the symptoms of absorption tract allergies. Inhale in hot water containing chamomile oil or flower petals to clear excess mucus and reduce it during high pollen season.
The substance expressed here is for educational purposes as it were. This blog is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Continuously counsel a medical services supplier on the off chance that you have any different kinds of feedback about an ailment. We do not endorse or recommend any particular tests, procedures, opinions or other information.