It is raising awareness globally that yoga has many benefits. The origin of the practice of yoga can be found in India about five thousand years ago. Yoga is a Sanskrit word that means to join or join together. This physical emotional and spiritual practice serves to represent the union of body consciousness with nature. It strengthens our mind, body and spirit and keeps us calm and in harmony with each other. Our prenatal care for pregnant women eases conditions like mood swings, shortness of breath, swollen ankles, normal labor also gives you time to bond with your baby and helps you prepare hard.
Asanas improve strength and stamina, as well as improve circulation and meditation – relaxation and the ability to focus. Pranayama i.e. breathing exercise- contraction helps to manage pain.
So let us now know how some amazing pregnancy yoga poses play an important role in improving your health.
Please consult your gynecologist before starting any new exercise during pregnancy in the following situations.
- The baby will be breech
- Regarding high risk
- Twins in the womb
Any complications related to pregnancy or childbirth
Be careful not to strain at all of your posture. Because no pregnancy is no time to find flexibility. Don’t have anything that doesn’t make you feel good.
Birth Complete Yoga Asanas for Pregnant Mothers
Yoga should be done very gently, carefully and gently, being aware of your body.
Prenatal yoga asanas for strengthening the muscles of a woman’s range
1. Marjariasana (Cat Pose/Cow Pose)
Women are advised to practice prenatal yoga during the first and third trimesters.
- Majariasana involves stretching the spine and hanging the abdomen, which helps to release tension.
- It also helps in repositioning the baby for ideal delivery.
- If a woman experiences ‘back pain’ during labour, this may help to relieve the pain.
- It increases blood flow and also ensures proper nutrition for the reproductive organs.
The steps follow

- Bend your knees until they touch the floor and form a table where your arms and legs represent the legs of the table and the tabletop behind you.
- Align your hands with your knees and place your hands perpendicular (90 degrees) to the floor. It will show your starting position.
- Hold the pose for 60 seconds by looking straight ahead in a concave manner with your spine slightly bent and hips and lower abdomen extended.
- Now, take a deep breath and lift your head while pressing downwards on your spine. Hold your breath for about 10 seconds.
- Exhale and lower your head, extending your spine upwards.
- Next, pull your hips in by slightly contracting your extended abdominals and tuck your head in your hands and chin touching your chest.
- Hold the posture for 5 seconds, and then relax slightly and repeat three more times.
2. Konasana (Angle Pose)
Pregnant women are advised to do Konasana Yoga during their first trimester i.e. first 12 weeks.
- This yoga pose helps in healthy operation of the ovaries by strengthening the uterus.
- This yoga pose helps in relieving constipation, a typical pregnancy symptom.
- The angle position also reduces the pressure of extra pregnancy weight and also helps to stimulate circulation by massaging the calves and feet.

The steps follow
- Stand straight with your feet a few inches apart. In this asana you can use the wall as a support.
- Inhale, then raise your left arm with the elbow straight.
- Stretch your arms up and then bend your body to the left side.
- Exhale and lower your hands. Repeat this process from anther side.
3. Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose)
Prenatal yoga is considered safe during the second and third trimester of pregnancy.
- Virabhadrasana This yoga pose helps to tone and strengthen the arms, legs and lower back as well.
- It helps in blood circulation and also respiration.
- Warrior pose helps promote body awareness and connection between body and mind.
- It helps in improving mental health by increasing stability.

The steps follow
- Keep your feet hip-width apart.
- Step forward with your right leg making a pivot with your left leg. And the arch of your right foot and the arch of your left foot should be in line.
- Lean forward with your pelvis down.
- While inhaling, hands should be raised with palms up.
- After exhaling, bend your right knee and align it with your ankle. At the same time, your right thigh should be parallel to the ground.
- Turn your head to one side and check your right hand out. Hold the pose and breathe for some time.
- As you inhale, extend your right leg.
- Exhale while lowering your arms and repeat on the other side.
Be sure to practice the position against a front or wall for stability. As your due date approaches, narrow your legs to reduce pressure on your pelvic floor.
4. Savasana – Corpse Pose
Yogasanas begin with Savasana and end with Savasana. The purpose of Savasana is to relax the mind and body and that too in a limited time. Savasana is one of the best yoga poses for women who suffer from high blood pressure and insomnia.

The steps follow
• Lie flat on your back.
• Keep your arms and legs out and away from your body.
• Close your eyes gently.
• Try to relax by breathing evenly.
• Focus on your mind making sure your body is completely relaxed.
• Practice regularly until you learn to focus,
• Asana is done to rest the body for a limited time. Practice the asana until you feel calm.
• Practice this asana before and as well as after every yoga session.
5. Badhakonasana (Butterfly Pose)
These antenatal yogasanas are recommended during the second half of pregnancy, as it is one of the most effective yogasanas to induce labor in women.
• The butterfly pose helps open up your hips and improves flexibility in the groin and inner thighs, which helps reduce pain.
• It reduces fatigue and helps in straight delivery if practiced till later trimester of pregnancy.

The steps follows
• Sitting up straight. To support your back, place a pillow under your hips or lean against a wall.
• Keep the soles of the feet together while bending the knees.
• Gently place your knees on the floor.
• Keep your feet close to your torso as it is comfortable for you.
• Keep your feet firmly on the ground and wrap your ankles and feet with your hands.
Power of yoga during pregnancy
• Mamma needs a minute, to adjust gracefully.
• To make distribution faster and easier.
• Your body and mind will be ready for delivery,
• For quick goodbye to baby weight.
• To achieve an all-natural pregnancy glow.
• To reduce pain and other common complications of pregnancy.
• To enhance bonding with your baby.
• To strengthen your and your baby’s mental health.
The above prenatal yoga poses are considered beneficial for both mother and baby during pregnancy. However, before starting prenatal yoga we suggest seeking medical advice to understand what yoga should be practiced and when. Learning proper yoga postures from a certified yoga instructor is also essential to avoid problems and have a smooth as well as safe pregnancy.
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