Yoga for Eyes: In this session we are going to tell you some yoga poses that can be practiced to improve your eye health.
Are your eyes puffy after waking up and are you worried that this is a symptom of some health problem? Eye swelling is likely due to dehydration, allergies or even aging. But it can also mean that we are putting our eyes under severe stress and not giving them enough rest. Yoga can help you with this.
If you’ve been working until midnight on a college project or even an office presentation, it’s time to take a break and give your eyes a rest. But apart from postures, lifestyle changes help. It helps to improve blood circulation in the eyes.
Stress, depression, overwork, spending too much time on screen can be responsible for this eye condition. Nowadays everything has become online, be it online classes or meetings. “Swollen eyes often indicate that you are not resting your eyes or that your lifestyle needs to change.”
1. Set a routine for proper sleep
One of the first things in life that we always overlook is the importance of good sleep. Sleeping late can stress your body over time. Sleeping on time and waking up early in the morning is the right way to heal the cells in the body. “If you complete your sleep or follow a proper sleep cycle, your eyes can get enough rest.

2. Adequate water and nutritious food
Not drinking enough water leads to dehydration, which leads to excessive salt intake and lack of sleep leading to puffy eyes. Drinking eight to ten glasses of water at such times can help. A diet rich in vitamins and antioxidants should be consumed. Therefore, seasonal fruits and vegetables should be consumed for better results by eliminating oxidative stress in the body.

3. Wash eyes with cold water
Helps to relieve eye fatigue. But you should do it comfortably.Apply water gently on your eyes two to three times a day. Yoga practice for eye health.

You should try the following yoga exercises to improve eye health.
1. Makara Mudra (Crocodile Hand Gesture)
How to do
1. Place one hand in the other.
2. Extend the thumb of the lower hand along with the little finger.
3. Take the ring finger of the other hand and place it in the center of your other hand.
4. Make sure that the tips of thumb and ring finger are touching each other.
5. Spread the remaining fingers as far as possible.
2. Bhramari Pranayama
How to do
1. Sit in a comfortable position as per your convenience.
2. Keep your back straight and close your eyes.
3. Bring your palms to the knees and your thumbs to the tragus’, the outer lobe of your ear.
4. With your index finger on your forehead, place your middle finger on the central canthus and bring your ring finger to the corner of your nostril.
5. Inhale and fill your lungs with air.
6. While exhaling, make a gentle humming sound like a bee i.e. “Mmmmmmm….” with your mouth completely closed and feel the vibration of the sound spreading through your body.
3. Surya Namaskar
Surya Namaskar means salutation to the sun. Surya energy works to represent strength and vitality. The Yoga Practice of Surya Namaskara was first performed by Shri Hanuman, symbol of Shakti, who bowed to Lord Surya. He is their master.
Suryanamaskar consists of a total of twelve steps.
When you start Surya Namaskar, you should start from the right side as the Sun’s energy is symbolically represented on this side. When you practice yoga on both sides, one cycle is completed i.e. a total of 24 numbers are made up.
Surya Namaskar is the best exercise for the eyes, mind and body and is a great exercise that gives excellent results. These include those that help blood flow to the face and eyes. Improves vision and also promotes overall eye health.

4. padahasthasana
Chora Hoti Pada Sthanasana is considered excellent for improving blood circulation as well as rejuvenating dead cells. The longer you hold it like this, the stronger the eye will be. And burns. It also helps with wrinkles.

How to do
1. This festival should be started by standing in the same position.
2. Exhale and slowly rotate your upper body to lower your head and relax your shoulders and neck.
3. Keep the palms on either side of the feet and try to keep the legs and knees straight throughout the exercise.
4. If you are new to yoga, you may need to bend your knees slightly to complete this.
5. Practice slowly straightening your knees and trying to touch your chest with your thighs.
6. You can hold this mudra for up to thirty seconds.
5. Paschimottanasana or seated forward bend

How to do
1. Dandasan should start this being.
2. Make sure your knees are slightly bent while your legs are spread forward.
3. Extend your arms overhead and keep your spine straight.
4. Exhale to empty the air from your stomach and while exhaling, bend forward at the hips and bring the upper body down.
5. Keep the body on your lower body.
6. Bring your hands down and touch your big toes with your fingers.
7. Your nose should touch your knees and hold this mudra for 30-50 seconds.
6. Halasana

How to do
1. Lie on your back, using your abdominal muscles, bring your legs up to 90 degrees.
2. Bring your feet behind your head with your palms firmly pressed to the floor.
3. Touch the back of your foot to the floor, allowing your mid and lower back to lift off the floor.
4. Try to bring your chest closer to your chin.
5. With palms flat on the floor you can bend your arms and support your back with your lower hands. This yoga pose can fill you up to seconds.
7. Padma Halasana (Padma Halasana or Lotus in Plow Position)
How to do
1. Sit in Padmasana
2. Gently lie on your back and bring your legs up.
3. Press your palms into the floor to extend Padmasana.
4. Use all of your back support.
In this session we have told you 7 yogas. By practicing it regularly, you can reduce puffiness in your eyes. And also if you want to make some changes in your lifestyle, you can use the whole thing that we have mentioned in this session when you can reduce puffiness under your eyes. And can also improve your eye health.
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