Yoga Asanas for Liver and Kidney: We all live in a fast paced world where health is not your priority until something goes wrong. Liver and kidney are important organs in our body which work to support our health. Our liver and kidneys perform various functions from blood detoxification to waste excretion.
About two million people die of liver disease every year and 800 million people are diagnosed with kidney disease every year. Although these figures are alarming, the reason behind them is poor lifestyle and diet.
Yoga for healthy kidneys and liver is not a myth. It works to improve physiological function and can also reverse damage caused by a poor lifestyle.
Yoga for Liver Health

Your liver is responsible for metabolizing proteins and carbohydrates as well as fats. And works to detoxify the blood. The liver controls the chemical balance in the blood and is also important in maintaining the healthy physical function of the body.
The liver is responsible for producing bile and excreting the waste products from the liver, thereby maintaining the health of the liver cells.
However, the imbalance of style in our life is the cause of many complications like chronic liver damage, liver cirrhosis, fatty liver syndrome.
All such conditions impair liver function, and lead to long-term complications. Indulging in yoga helps in improving liver function in various ways, including
Reducing stress on the liver
Inflammation in the liver
Reduce the ability to protect all of these acts
Improvement in the detoxifying process
Improvement of blood circulation in liver cells
Practicing yoga can significantly improve liver function. Proper exercise for liver health
If you are looking for yoga for a healthy liver, we recommend starting with an instructor.
Kapalbhati Pranayama
This pranayama focuses on the entire body. And also improves liver function, cures insomnia, lowers blood sugar levels, helps reduce the risk of liver cirrhosis.

How to do it?
1.Sit cross-legged.
2.Take a deep breath
3.Close a nagpuri with one finger and inhale deeply
4. Leaving the finger, block the nostril you breathed in and exhale through the other nostril
5.Do this alternately for ten minutes
6. Deep inhalation and deep exhalation should be practiced to perform this yoga asana.
Dhanurasana or bow seat
This yoga pose focuses on the abdomen, thighs, chest, ankles, throat, and the front of the body.
And also works to improve blood circulation, improve digestion, improve liver function, control diabetes, improve posture.

How to do it?
1 Lie on your stomach and lift your torso and legs at the same time
2. Bend your knees and reach your ankles with your hands.
3. After grabbing the ankles you can hold this position for 30 seconds.
4. Once you feel the stretch and pain, release your hands from the ankles and return to the starting position.
5. Repeat this ten times
This is one of the best yoga poses for a healthy liver if you want to.
Ardha Matsyendrasana or Half Fish Pose
This yoga pose focuses on the hip, neck, and shoulders. And also works to improve spine flexibility, improve posture, enhance liver function, relieve lower back pain.

How to do it?
1.Start this yoga pose by sitting on your hips.
2.Keeping your legs horizontal, slowly cross your left leg over the right leg.
3.Your knees should be bent and pointed towards your chest.
4.After bending your torso slightly, move your right arm to reach your left leg.
5.Bend your left leg towards your stomach and turn your head upwards.
This yoga pose puts pressure on the liver and strengthens it. If you are facing diseases like fatty liver or liver damage then this yoga asana can be very effective for you.
Gomukhasana or cow face pose
This yoga pose targets the shoulders, hips, thorax, ankles, triceps, thighs. And it also improves blood pressure, relieves pain and stiffness from frozen shoulder, and works to stimulate liver and kidney function.

How to do it?
1. Sit with your legs crossed.
2. Sit up straight, stretching the spine.
3. Place your left hand on the back of your shoulder and your right hand on the back of your hip.
4. Try to connect your palms back if possible.
5. If you can’t stretch your arms enough to join him, stretch as much as you can.
6. You can hold this pose for up to ten seconds.
7. You should repeat this ten times by changing hands.
If you have any complaints like cervical pain or stiffness then you should not do this yoga pose.
Naukasana or Boat Pose
This yoga pose works to target the abdomen, hip flexors, vertebral column. And also strengthens the stomach, reduces belly fat, improves digestion, improves liver function and helps stimulate kidney function.

How to do it?
1. Lie down in the middle of the mat with your legs spread out in front of you.
2. Raise the torso and legs simultaneously into your hands for balance.
3. Try to hold yourself high by leaning on your leaders and putting pressure on them.
4. You can hold this position for ten seconds.
5. Lower yourself onto the yoga mat by slowly bringing your hands down.
These are some yoga poses to improve liver health. If you master this, you can move on to the next set of yoga poses, which may be great for you.
Yoga for kidney health
Kidney brokenness and persistent kidney problems are turning out to be more normal than we understand. As many people struggle with this type of kidney disease, yoga can be an effective way to prevent damage caused by kidney problems in people.
Yoga has many benefits for kidney health, especially in people with diabetes, frequent infections, or even kidney damage or failure.
There are some yoga poses for kidney health.
Salamba Bhujangasana or Sphinx Pose
This yoga pose focuses on the shoulders, abdomen, lungs, chest. And also helps to strengthen the spine, stimulate internal organs, improve endocrine function.

How to do it?
1.Lie on your stomach on a mat with a yoga pose on the floor.
2.Gently rest your chin on the floor and rest on your hands.
3.Bring your arms up to your head and make sure your elbows and shoulders are in a straight line.
4.Lift your chin and upper body off the floor by pressing forward as you inhale.
5.Practice deep breathing by stretching your legs outward.
6.You can hold this position for ten seconds.
As you feel tightness and tension, lower your upper body to the floor and place your head on the floor.
Repeat this pose according to your company.
Paschimottanasana or Seated Forward Bend
This yoga pose targets the shoulders, hamstrings, vertebral column. And also stretches the spine, improves kidney function, improves poor posture and helps regulate sleep cycles.

How to do it?
1.Sit down on the floor and spread your legs in front of you.
2.Focus on keeping your hands on either side of your hips with your fingers bent towards you.
3.While inhaling, gently stretch your arms above your head.
4.As you exhale, bend your upper body and fold your body from the hips.
5.Extend your arms in front and touch your flexible fingers.
6.Inhale and gently lift your head and lengthen your spine.
7. Push the upper body and also the navel until it touches your knees.
8.This yogasana should be repeated five to ten times.
Tip: Do not overexert yourself while bending the torso.
Setu Bandhanasana or Bridge Pose
This yoga pose works to focus on the neck, thorax, vertebral column. And also strengthens the back, improves blood circulation, increases kidney function, helps calm the nervous system.

How to do it?
1. Sleep on your back.
2. Bend your knees and keep your feet hip-width apart
3. Gently lift your lower as well as middle back and torso off the floor while inhaling with your arms above your body.
4. Gently roll your shoulders for support and bring your chin to your chest, keeping your feet firmly planted on the floor.
5. You can hold this position for ten seconds and also lower your body to the floor and return to the starting position.
This yoga is very beneficial for kidney health. The attribute is beneficial in individuals at risk of potential ureteric damage and also renal failure.
Shashankasana or Hare Mudra
This yoga asana works to focus the upper body, thighs, abdomen. And also tones the pelvic muscles, relieves constipation, improves kidney function, helps reduce anger and frustration.

How to do it?
1.Begin this asana by sitting in Vajrasana.
2.Practice taking deep breaths while resting on your lap.
3.While inhaling, stretch your arms above your head.
4.As you exhale, bend your upper body forward from the hips.
5.You can hold this position for ten seconds by bending over until your nose or chin touches the floor.
6.Return to the starting position while exhaling.
7.This yogasana should be repeated ten times.
People with knee pain and also people with knee complaints and also people who are at risk of osteoarthritis should not do this yoga pose.
Pawanmuktasana or Release Pose
This yoga pose works to target the thighs, abdomen, shoulders, buttocks. And also works to reduce flatulence, improve kidney function, improve digestion/

How to do it?
Bend your right knee and bring it to your chest while practicing deep breathing while lying on the floor.
Repeat this yogasana with the left leg.
Place both folded legs on your chest and hold your legs tightly to your chest with your hands around the front of your legs.
Exhale and gently lift your head from the floor towards the chest.
Touch your chin with bent knees.
You can hold this position for up to ten seconds while inhaling and exhaling.
Get back to your beginning situation while breathing out.
If you suffer from flatulence and flatulence, this is an effective yoga pose to release trapped gas.
Mandukasana or Frog Pose
This yoga pose works to focus on thighs, abdomen, throat, ankles. And also tones the abdominal muscles, regulates diabetes, improves kidney function and works to tone the back muscles.
How to do it?
1. Begin in a table top position in the center of yoga.
2. Try to keep your posture stable by placing your hands and knees on the floor.
3. Keep your arms and shoulders in a straight line.
4. Then move both of your knees outwards, bringing your knees under the leaders, and also bring your feet in a straight line with your knees.
5. In this asana, keep your elbows and hands on the floor to mimic the frog pose with your hips open. And you can hold this position for ten seconds.
6. Come to the starting position by raising your stomach as you exhale.
Also this is your last yoga for kidney function, you can get relief from kidney disease by practicing it regularly.
In the above session we have told you 11 yogas which you can practice regularly to get relief from urinary tract disease. Also we recommend that you take the help of a trainer to perform this yoga asana. And also these yogas should not be done without doctor’s advice.