7 Best Yoga Poses For Appetite Control And Weight Loss

7 Best Yoga Poses For Appetite Control And Weight Loss


Appetite is one of the biggest barriers to trying to lose or manage weight, and even if you get enough physical activity in your daily routine, weight loss is impossible if you don’t control what you eat. So how do you really get to the bottom of this weight problem and solve the problem of eating more than your body needs?

Well here are some simple yoga poses that can help control your appetite. This yoga helps in regulating the release of hormones that control physical hunger. And also helps in controlling food cravings.

So now let us take a detailed look at those seven yoga asanas and how regular practice of them can help you lose weight by controlling your appetite.

Yoga Poses For Appetite Control And Weight Loss

1. Downward Dog Pose, or Adho Mukha Svanasana

 Follow the steps given below to get maximum benefit from these yoga poses.

How to do Downward-facing Dog Pose, Or Adho Mukha Svanasana
How to do Downward-facing Dog Pose, Or Adho Mukha Svanasana

How to do

1. You get on all fours and form a table so that your back becomes the table top and your hands and feet become the legs of the table.

2. As you inhale, raise your hips and straighten your knees and elbows to form an inverted V shape with your body.

3. Place hands shoulder width apart and feet hip width apart and parallel to each other. Show where straight ahead.

5. Press your hands on the floor and keep the neck long by touching the ears with the wide inner hands through the shoulder blades.

6. Hold downward dog position and take a deep breath and look at the navel.

7. Release and bend the knees and come back to table pose and relax.

Read More 7 Simple And Effective Yoga Asanas To Reduce Extra Body Fat

2. Vriksha Mudra or Vrikshasana

 Follow the steps given below to get maximum benefit from these yoga poses.

How to do Tree pose or Vrikshasana
How to do Tree pose or Vrikshasana

How to do

1. This asana should be started from a cautious posture. Keep your hands by your sides and stand up straight.

2. Focus on a point in front that will help you concentrate.

3. Exhale and move to the right leg and place the right foot on the inner thigh of the left leg. The heel should touch the perineum.

4. Inhale and raise your arms and bring your palms together in Namaskar mudra.

5. Keep the final position for three to ten breaths with awareness of the body.

6. Exhale and lower the arms.

7. Step off the right leg and return to the starting position.

8. Repeat this asana five to six times.

Read More Top 7 Yoga Poses To Add To Your Daily Routine For Fitness

3. Plow Pose.Or Halasana

Follow the steps given below to get maximum benefit from these yoga poses.

How to do Plow Pose. Halasana
How to do Plow Pose. Halasana

How to do

1 Lie flat on your back with your feet close together and tuck your chin in.

2. Inhale with a deep breath. Lift your legs up until your legs come up to extend your legs over your torso.

3. Keep your palms up and your hands under you. Place your hands under your hips and lift your torso.

4. Gently lift your torso until you rest on your shoulders.

5.Your arms should be bent at the elbows to support yourself by placing your hands on your back and bring your legs over your head.

6. Relax your calf muscles by gently straightening your back and keeping your knees tight. You are now in Sarvanga Mudra.

7. From here lower your legs forward so that your feet touch the ground above your head. Lower your hands flat on the floor. And keep this mudra for 30 seconds by breathing evenly.

Read More 6 Best And Effective Yoga Asanas To Reduce Arm Fat

4. Virabhadrasana II

 Follow the steps given below to get maximum benefit from these yoga poses.

How to do Veerbhadrasana II Or Warrior II Pose
How to do Veerbhadrasana II Or Warrior II Pose

How to do

1. Start this asana in mountain pose.

2. Exhale as you step your left foot back parallel to the short side of your mat or arch your left heel with your right heel. And both feet should be arched.

3. Bend under your right knee and engage the muscles above your left knee by gently pulling your legs together, making sure your right knee is in line with your hips and toes.

4. Extend your arms to opposite ends of your mat parallel to the floor and turn your head to look at your right fingertips with your palms facing down.

5. Try to keep your upper body between your legs with your stomach pulled in and up and your shoulders relaxed under your back.

6. Stay here for five breaths. To come out of the pose, inhale and straighten your legs and exhale to come to the top of the mat or to do the other side, swing your legs behind your back.

5. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

 Follow the steps given below to get maximum benefit from these yoga poses.

How to do Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
How to do Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

How to do

1. Lie on your back with your feet on the floor at a comfortable hip distance.

2. With your hands close to your ribs, you can either bend your elbows to 90° so that your fingers point toward the ceiling, or hold onto the outer edges of your mat.

3. While inhaling, lift your hips by pressing the back of your shoulders and your feet into the floor.

4. Keep the inner thighs engaged by not spreading your knees wide by actively pressing down on the inner leg.

5. Keep your neck neutral by lengthening your tailbone and sliding your shoulder blades behind your back.

6. You can hold your hands behind your back.

7. Stay here for five to fifteen breaths.

8. Release your arms and lower your spine to come out of the pose.

6. Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana)

 Follow the steps given below to get maximum benefit from these yoga poses.

How to do Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana)
How to do Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana)

How to do

1. Stand in Tadasana pose with your feet slightly apart.

2. Use both feet to balance your weight.

3. Extend your arms upwards while inhaling.

4. While exhaling, bend your legs forward and keep your back flat.

5. Stay in this position for 30 seconds and take deep breaths.

6. Place your hands by your feet or on your feet, keeping your legs and spine straight.

7. Lift your tailbone and hips while inhaling by extending your chest to your knees.

8. Let your head relax and continue with a deep breath as you move towards your feet.

9. While inhaling let your arms stretch forward and up.

10. Slowly come to a standing position with your arms at your sides as you exhale for the last time. let it move.

7. Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose

 Follow the steps given below to get maximum benefit from these yoga poses.

How to do Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose
How to do Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose

How to do

1.Lie flat on your stomach in resting posture and cross your arms in front of you so that you can rest your head on them.

2., Gently bring your feet together and place your forehead on the floor.

3. Move your arms so that they are folded at the elbows and your palms should be on your shoulders.

4. Inhale with your elbows slightly off the ground. Push your chin out and lift your forehead.

5. Raise your torso off the ground and make sure your stomach is pressed to the ground.

6. Keep your head up until your torso is completely lowered, thinking the movement of raising the snake’s hood.


In the above session we have told you 7 yogas by practicing them regularly you can reduce your appetite and control your weight. This yoga helps in regulating the release of hormones that control physical hunger. And also to control food cravings.

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