Best 8 Yoga Poses for Kids to Get Sharp Brain | 8 Yoga Poses for Kids


yoga poses for kids to get sharp brain: In this session we will look at some yoga poses to improve students’ memory and reduce the stress of school life. Let’s take a look at those eight yoga poses to help you improve memory and reduce stress in your school life. So now let us see those eight yogasana.

Yoga Poses for Kids
Yoga Poses for Kids

Which asana improves memory?

Deliberate practice of Shirasasana improves memory and concentration. This reverse role helps in mental clarity and focus as well as increasing blood circulation in the brain.

 These are characterized by rapid and forceful inhalation and exhalation.


Any yoga asana needs to be done in the right order to get maximum health benefits. Below is the complete information on how to do Tadasana

How to do Tadasana?

1.Stand up straight with your feet slightly apart.

2. Inhale and lift your arms in front and try to balance them up to your shoulders.

3. Gently rotate the wrist outwards by locking both fingers together.

4. Inhale and raise your arms above your head.

5. Lift your arms while lifting them and try to balance your body weight on your toes.

6 You can hold this position for up to thirty seconds

7. Now you gently bring your heels down. Exhale and release your fingers.

8. Now bring yourself down and come to the starting position.


If you have problems with insomnia, low blood pressure, headache, dizziness, joint back or shoulder pain, you should not practice this yoga pose without consulting a doctor.


This yoga pose helps to improve your focus and memory. Students should benefit by including this yoga pose in their routine. Stand straight with legs together and arms at sides and this asa naana mudra improves concentration by grounding the body.


Any yoga asana needs to be done in the right order to reap maximum health benefits. Below is complete information on how to do Vrikshasana

How to do Vrikshasana?

1. Standing upright Rahul balance on your left leg and lift your right leg up. And bend your right leg at the knee. Place your right foot on the inside of your left thigh and point your toes downward

2. Bring your hands close to your chest and join them in prayer. Now extend your hands upwards and lift them above your head.

3. . While taking a deep breath. Hold the position

4. Separate all of you from your chest down

5. Stand straight with your right leg straight

6. Repeat this yoga session with your right leg.


Balancing on one leg and focusing on the final Vrikshasana asana is essential. Practicing this yoga pose helps to increase concentration. A study by Samantha et al., 2019 found that patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) benefited from the yoga posture Vrikshasana to develop concentration.

anolom vilom pranayama

Any yoga asana needs to be done in the right order to get maximum health benefits. How to do anolom vilom pranayama is given below in full

How to do anolom vilom pranayama?

1.Sit in Sukhasana or Padmasana position and keep the spine straight.

2. Close the right nostril using the right thumb and inhale through the left nostril. Now close both nagpurs and hold the breath for five seconds (heart, blood pressure patients and pregnant women should continue inhaling and exhaling while doing this pranayama)

3. The left nostril should leave the right nostril. Exhale through the right nostril for a few seconds. Now inhale through the right nostril for a few seconds and then close both nostrils for five to six seconds

 Hold your breath.

4. Exhale from the right nostril through the left nostril Exhale from the left nostril and close both nostrils and hold the breath for two to three seconds. Thus a round is completed.

5. Such rounds should be repeated ten to fifteen times


This yoga asana helps to reduce stress levels, increase concentration and stabilize the mental state. It works to improve memory. Breathing done during Anulom Vilom Pranayama works to have a relaxing effect on the brain as well as the nerves.


Any yoga asana needs to be done in the right order to reap maximum health benefits. How to do SURYA NAMASKAR is given below in full


1. In Pranamasana, keep your feet comfortably aside and bring your palms towards the heart.

2 Bend your head, arms and upper torso back while extending your arms upwards.

3. Bend forward from the hips and touch the ground with the palms on either side of the feet. And also bring the forehead to the knee.

4. Take your right leg back and bend your left knee and raise your head and keep your palms straight.

5. Now take the left leg back and place the body weight on the palms and toes. Legs waist and head should be in a straight line. And look forward

6 Bend your elbows and place your knees to your chest and chin to the floor.

7. Lift your body up from the waist slightly bending back and looking forward.

8. Extend your arms fully as you lift your hips toward the ceiling with your toes in.

9. Bend your left knee and lift your head with your right foot forward.

10 With the left leg in front, bend forward from the hip and touch the ground with the palms on either side of the foot.

11. Extend your arms upwards and bend your head and arms as well as your upper torso backwards.

12. Bring your palms to the center of the heart. The first part of pranamane practice is over.


 Surya Namaskar not only provides many benefits to the students but also helps in increasing physical and mental health. It works to improve concentration and memory as well as energy levels as well as increase physical strength and promote a calm and focused mind.


Any yoga asana needs to be done in the right order to reap maximum health benefits. Below is the complete information on how to do Shirsasana

How to do Shirsasana

1. Keep your hands on your knees, your wrists under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.

2. Place your elbows under your shoulders and place your hands on the floor.

3. Hold your hand around the opposite elbow making sure your elbow is shoulder width apart.

4. Leave your hands at the elbows and bring your hands together on the ground.

5. The top of your head should be down. The back of your head should rest on the thumbs rather than holding the wrists with your hands.

6. Lift your hips and straighten your legs as you do Downward-Facing Dog until your hips are just near your shoulders and lift your legs above your head.

7. Next is the most difficult part to lift your legs off the floor towards the ceiling.


While holding this pose upside down, the skin of the face hangs in the opposite direction to lift the flow. Also, due to the oxygenated blood supply, the face gets a natural glow. This pose is useful for children studying in school. Because it improves memory.


Any yoga asana needs to be done in the right order to reap maximum health benefits. How to do SARVANGASANA is given below in full.



1.Lie straight on your back with your feet close together and also keep your chin in.

2. Inhale deeply and lift your legs until your legs look up, extending your legs over the torso.

3. Place your hands under you with your palms on the floor. Place your hands under your hips and try to raise them up.

4. Gently lift your torso until it rests on your shoulders.

5. Now support yourself by bending your arms towards the corners and bring your legs over your head with your hands on your back.

6. Maintain the posture by gently straightening your back and keeping your knees tight and relaxing your calf muscles.

7. For relaxation, lower your legs at a 45 degree angle above your head. Lay your today down on the floor and relax.


It works to stimulate the left and right hemispheres of the brain by supplying blood throughout the brain.

 Helps to balance the mind, supplies oxygen to the head, promotes mental health and also promotes better sleep.


How to do HALASANA

Any yoga asana needs to be done in the right order to reap maximum health benefits. Below is complete information on how to do HALASANA.

1.Lie flat on your back with your arms at your sides. should be kept

2. Bend your legs to a 90 degree angle using your abdominal muscles to lift your legs off the floor as you inhale.

3. Support your hips and back with your hands while continuing to breathe normally. Lift them off the floor so that your toes touch the floor.

4. Try to stretch your back on the floor for a few seconds.

5. Hold this position for 30 seconds and also relax your body with each steady breath

6. After a minute of resting in this pose, gently lower your legs as you exhale.


Halasana works to stimulate the nervous system by balancing the blood circulation in the brain of the students. Blood circulation to the brain region helps improve brain function. It gives students better memory and better concentration.


Any yoga asana needs to be done in the right order to reap maximum health benefits. Below is complete information on how to do BALASANA

Balasana Pose
Balasana Pose

How to do BALASANA

1. Come down to your hands and knees on the floor.

2. . Gently close your knees by keeping your hips and stomach flat on the floor.

3. Relax by slowly bringing your toes between your thighs. Relax by gently resting your forehead on the floor. Relax and strain your eyes, jaw and shoulder.

4. Spread the palms facing the floor with the palms facing up and place the hands behind the back.

5. Connect with your soul with deep and breaths, focusing on the breath.

6 Stay in this pose for a few seconds and come back to the starting position. Slowly open your eyes.

7. And slowly rub your hands over your eyes and face.


 This yoga asana works to stretch the spine. Blood flow to the brain for improved function does Pose of Balasan

 A relaxing pose with your knees bent, hips on heels, hands out and forehead on the floor reduces stress and increases mental clarity.


In the above session we have seen 8 Yogasanas to increase the memory of students.

 Which relieves students of stress in their school life and also improves their memory and also helps to increase their stamina.

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