
11 Effective Yoga Asanas That Will Help You Manage Cardiac Health


 Yoga Asanas That Will Help You Manage Cardiac Health: Yoga is used to improve physical flexibility and balance. But did you know that practicing yoga asanas for your heart is a very important tool for maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system? Yogasana helps to increase heart rate and blood circulation by stimulating the heart.

 Restorative poses are so important as they help you relax and de-stress. All together rehearsing yoga brings down pulse cholesterol and blood glucose levels as well as pulse. It helps in reducing the risk of blood pressure stroke and also heart disorders.

What is Cardiac Yoga?

Heart Yoga is Arterial Gentle Yoga as per the needs of people in heart condition with heart related problems or people recovering from heart disease.

 Yoga for your heart

 Here are five yoga poses to improve your heart health. Practicing that yoga pose regularly will help you maintain a happy, healthy heart. Now let us know about those five asanas.

Dynamic Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

Doing this pose warms up your body and helps increase heart rate.  As you move Try to steady your breathing and keep your heart healthy by practicing the yoga poses mentioned in this session.

Dynamic Mountain Pose
Dynamic Mountain Pose

How to do it?

1.Stand up straight. Keeping your feet together, slowly bring your palms together and interlock them.

2. As you inhale, push your palms upwards and bring the interlaced hands above the head.

3. Exhaling and looking up Stretch your neck muscles by tilting your head back over your shoulders.

4. You can hold this position for 15 to 20 seconds.

Utkatasana or The Chair Pose

This asana targets the thighs, calves, ankles, vertebral column. Stretches and lengthens the back, strengthens core muscles, works to improve blood strength.

How to do it?

1. You have to start this yoga itself from Tadasana which we discussed in the last point.

2. Mimic the squat position Bend your knees forward as I move your hips back.

3. Touch your ear with your hand on the inside and make sure your shoulders are not stiff.

4. You can hold this position for ten to fifteen seconds and stretch your body upwards.

5. While inhaling, release your arms and slowly return to the starting position.

Uttanasana or the Standing Forward Bend

Hips, hamstrings, calves, knees, thighs are targeted in this asana. It is beneficial for improving the flexibility of Yunchi, increasing blood circulation, strengthening the spine.

How to do it?

1. Stand in an upright position with both your arms at your sides.

2. Inhale deeply as you relax and bend forward from the hips as you exhale.

3. When you bend your upper body, place your hands on either side of your feet, if possible do not cross your hands and place them behind your ankles.

4. While bending down from the waist and keeping the body down, focus primarily on stretching and lifting the tailbone.

5. Hold this position for five to ten seconds and slowly return to the starting position.

Uttanasana or The Standing Forward Bend
Standing Forward Bend pose

Vrikshasana or Tree Pose

This asana works to focus on thighs, ankles, calves, shoulders, thorax, inguinal area. Works to improve neuromuscular coordination, improve endurance, and support heart health and function.

Vrikshasana or Tree Pose
Vrikshasana or Tree Pose

How to do it?

1.Vrikshasana is a balanced asana. You have to master these yoga poses for a healthy heart.

2. Place hands on either side of the body and begin the asana by standing straight.

3. Bend your right knee and place that foot on the inside of your thigh.

4. Keep the bottom of your foot tucked between your thighs and maintain your balance by standing on one leg.

5. Raise the sides of your body and bring them to your head for Namaste.

6. Breathe deeply as you inhale and exhale as you do this.

7. While exhaling bring your arms down and place your right foot on the floor and come to the starting position.

8. Repeat this asana 10 times by switching your left leg.

Padangushtasana or Big Toe Pose

This asana works to target the thighs, hamstrings, calves. Relieves stress and anxiety, promotes calmness and relaxation, improves blood circulation and works to improve digestion.

Padangusthasana or Big Toe Pose
Padangushtasana or Big Toe Pose

How to do it?

1. Just like Uttanasana, you start this asana standing straight.

 2. Stand straight with your hands on your hips and take a deep breath.

 3. Squeeze your stomach and relax your head and neck and shoulders

 4. Bend your body from the waist and place your palms on the floor on either side of your feet.

 5. If your hamstrings are too tight, you will experience more pain. Bend your knees and hold this position for 15 seconds, exhaling and returning to the starting position.

Chakrasana or Wheel Pose

This pose works to target the back, vertebral column, legs, abdominal muscles, arms, waist, hips. It also stretches the chest muscles, improves spinal flexibility, increases heart function and works to reduce blockages in blood vessels.

Chakrasana or Wheel Pose
Chakrasana or Wheel Pose

How to do it?

1.Though this asana is most beneficial for heart disease but it is a bit difficult. No need to train and guide down.

2. Start lying on a flat surface.

3. With the feet flat on the floor, bend the knees and press the feet firmly into the floor.

4.. Place your hands on your shoulders in such a way that they point towards the shoulders.

5. Lift your upper body off the ground while applying pressure to your feet with your hands.

6. At the same time keep the crown of the head down for support.

7. Lift your body and lift your head along with your stomach to create a curved chakra position by applying maximum pressure while pressing your inner legs and thighs.

8. You can hold this position for ten seconds, making sure you don’t strain your neck and shoulders too much.

9. Once this process is done, exhale and slowly lower your body to the floor and relax.

Sarvangasana or Shoulder Stand

This asana works to focus the shoulders and neck. Also Kta works to improve circulation, improve digestion, improve balance and posture.

Sarvangasana or Shoulder Stand
Sarvangasana or Shoulder Stand

How to do it?

1. Like Chakrasana, it is recommended that you be accompanied by an instructor while doing this yoga pose. It takes some time to master

2. Begin by lying on your back with both your arms by your sides.

3. Lift your legs hips at the same time lifting enough so your legs turn towards the ceiling.

4. Place your elbows on the flat floor with your palms behind your back.

5. At first you may feel that shaky posture, ask someone to hold your feet and hold this position for 10 seconds

6. Relax your body by bringing your legs down to the hips as you release.

Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Facing Dog Pose

 This yoga pose focuses on the feet and hands. It also strengthens the back, relieves back pain, improves blood circulation, improves posture.

Adho Mukha Svanasana
Pretty lady training in a summer park. Brunette doing yoga. Girl in a sportsuit.

How to do it?

 1. You stay on all fours.

2. Place your knees under the hips with your palms under the hips.

3. Slowly lift your hips off the floor, pushing the heels back until you are inverted.

4. Hold your OT belly and straighten your arms and legs as much as possible

5. You can hold this position for ten seconds and slowly come back to the starting position.

Halasana or Plow Pose

This yoga pose focuses on the vertebral column, shoulders, and also stretches your spine, tones back muscles, improves muscle mobility, helps increase blood circulation.

Halasana or Plow Pose
Halasana or Plow Pose

How to do it?

1. It may take time to perfect this yoga asana so it should be started with a yoga practitioner.

2. Lie down and place your arms on either side of the body.

3. Inhale and bring both legs together to make a right angle with the floor.

4. As you release the shiva, lift your hips off the floor and place your feet behind your head, keeping your feet together.

5. Keep your hands on the floor facing the floor and it will help you to provide optimal support.

6. If you are not in a stable position, place your hands together for extra support and stability.

7. Hold this position for as long as you can tolerate ie 30 to 60 seconds.

8. After completing this process, exhale and bring your feet back to the floor and do this at least five times but before that take some rest.

Paschimottanasana or Seated Forward Pose

This Yogasana works to focus him. And also works to improve spinal mobility, improve overall flexibility, reduce anxiety and increase blood circulation.

Paschimottanasana | Seated Forward Pose
Paschimottanasana or Seated Forward Pose

How to do it?

1. This is the easiest yoga for new learners to master. It works to calm the mind effectively along with improving your heart health

2. Stretch your legs forward and begin the yoga pose in a seated position.

3. Bend at the waist and fold yourself so that your chest should be on the thighs.

4. Spread your arms forward with your feet at your sides

5. Do not strain and bend the body as much as possible. Hold this position for ten seconds and then come back to a sitting position.

Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose

This yoga pose focuses on the abdomen, shoulders, vertebral column, thorax, lungs. And also improves blood circulation, stretches the spine, improves digestion.

Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose
Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose

How to do it?

1. If you struggle with stress that affects your heart health, this yoga practice can help relieve these symptoms.

2. Start this asana lying on your stomach.

3. Stretch your legs so that the lower part is towards the ceiling

4.Lift half of the body up from the floor with your elbows by the side of your stomach, especially around the chest.

5. Place your palms in front for support and hold yourself in the air.

6. You can hold this position for five to ten seconds depending on your endurance.


Here are some eleven yoga poses for health that improve your blood circulation improves body function and enables you to lead a healthy life.

 Apart from yoga or changes in your diet, regular heart checkups should be made a part of your life. Because it helps to trace every mistake and take informed for a healthy life.

2 thoughts on “11 Effective Yoga Asanas That Will Help You Manage Cardiac Health”

  1. Pingback: Do These 5 Yoga Poses Daily To Reduce Bad Cholesterol Levels


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