5 Yoga Asanas To Lower High Cholesterol

5 Effective Yoga Poses To Reduce High Cholesterol


Some researchers suggest that yoga has a positive effect on cholesterol levels. But more research is needed.

Can Practicing Yoga Really Lower Cholesterol Levels?

 Yoga helps in reducing stress levels. Yoga involves deep breathing. It helps in relaxation and reduces stress which helps in heart health. And the twisting posture helps promote healthy digestion.

But results may vary from person to person. The results depend on your medical history for example how beneficial yoga is for you.

 Read this article to learn more about the relationship between yoga and cholesterol, and if you are qualified to do yoga, try practicing yoga asanas.

Yoga moves to try

If you are interested in incorporating yoga into your wellness routine, try the following moves. It will help lower your cholesterol levels. But always consult your doctor before starting any new exercise.

Seated forward bend

 This movement works to reduce stress by aiding digestion.

Seated forward bend
Seated forward bend

 1. Start this yogasana in a sitting position with your legs straight in front of you. You can do this yoga pose sitting on a blanket or even on a folded towel.

2. Inhale and lengthen the spine.

3. Exhale and slowly begin to bend your legs. Movement should be attempted from the hips, not from the waist. Keep your back flat and keep your eyes straight and stop bending if you feel any pain in your back.

4. Inhale as you reach towards the feet or ankles.

5. Hold this pose for one to three minutes as per your convenience.

Child’s pose

This movement helps to reduce stress and also allows for relaxation.

Child's pose
Child’s pose

1. Begin in a kneeling position and sit back toward your feet.

2. You should keep your torso down between your thighs with your knees hip-width apart.

3. Place your hands at the sides of your torso, and palms facing up, or place your palms down against the mat and extend your arms in front of you.

4. Breathe out freely.

5. Hold this position for 30 seconds to two minutes.

Seated spinal twist

This movement can stimulate digestion.

Seated spinal twist
Seated spinal twist

1. Bend the left leg on the floor and sit up straight with the heel of your right hip and right foot on the left and the sole of the right foot on the floor.

2. Lengthen your spine while extending your left arm to the max.

3. Begin the twist to the right and end with your left elbow on the outside of your right knee.

4. Inhale to gain more length and exhale to deepen the twist.

5. You can hold this position for 30 seconds to seven seconds. And then switch to the other side with some rest.

Wheel pose

This is a more advanced pose. The wheel is suitable for experienced yogis and your spine should be warmed up before doing the wheel pose. Wheel pose helps to open and strengthen the body.

Wheel pose
Wheel pose

1. Start lying on your back with your feet flat on the floor, knees bent and hips apart. The hands should be placed in a spread position on the floor next to the body.

2. Take your hands and place them under your shoulders, pressing them into your mat and pulling them in at your elbows.

3. Press up while inhaling as you press your legs and arms down. First pause at the top of your head.

4. Plug your arm bones into your shoulder sockets.

5. Push in your hands. Move up into wheel pose. If you are new to wheel pose, your arms will be bent. Now keep lifting your chest while relaxing your head.

6. Take a deep breath as you start to come down, bring your legs forward. Gently lower one vertebra of your spine by tucking your pelvis into your chest.

7. Bring your knees together and keep your feet wide for a few breaths.

8. Repeat this asana three times.

Legs up the wall

Doing this yoga pose helps in blood supply to the heart. It also helps in reducing anxiety as well as lowering blood pressure and various other health conditions.

Legs up the wall
Legs up the wall

1. Move your yoga mat up to the wall to get into proper position with your shoulder against the wall and sit sideways.

2. Lie on your back on your mat and bring yourself closer as needed by extending your legs up to the wall.

3. Stay in this inverted position for two to three minutes or as long as is convenient for you. Breathe in and out.

4. As you begin to come down, gently bring your feet down the wall and your knees into your chest.

5. Rock aside for a while and release.

Other Alternative Treatments for Lowering Cholesterol

You can also try some of the following alternative treatments to lower cholesterol. Try yoga if you wish.

Eat more fish: Choosing fish rich in omega-3s two to three times a week can reduce the risk of heart disease. Eat fatty fish like salmon, sardines and tuna for best results.

Try plant sterol and stanol supplements: These supplements help the small intestine absorb cholesterol and lower LDL levels.

Flaxseed: Flaxseed is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and helps raise HDL levels. Use oil while cooking or include ground flaxseed in the diet.

Exercise: Try to incorporate other forms of cardio-stimulating exercise such as walking, swimming or cycling. Always consult your doctor before starting exercise.


5 Yogas have been mentioned in the above session. You can include it in your regular yoga practice to lower cholesterol. Take the help of a trainer while doing these yogas. And also if you feel uncomfortable while doing yoga then you should consult a doctor.

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