7 Simple Yoga Poses For Glowing Skin: Sunlight and pollution are taking a toll on our skin these days. As the harmful rays of sunlight and pollution particles come in contact with our skin, our face looks lifeless and dull.
People use cosmetics available in the market to correct the perceived face. When the skin does not improve even by applying expensive cosmetics, the mind becomes stressed and the skin condition worsens.
In such a situation you can take help of yoga to make the skin shiny and beautiful. What you may find surprising is that yoga is not only beneficial for health but also helps to make your skin glow. Today in this session we are going to learn about what yoga exercises to do for a radiant self.
In this session we are going to share 7 yoga poses for face brightening which you should practice regularly to reap the benefits of brightening your face. Now let us know the seven seats in detail.
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During these festivals the blood flows towards the head and face. Hence, the skin gets maximum oxygen which is very beneficial in curing all kinds of skin related problems and bringing glow to the face.

How to do
1. Stand straight with your feet apart. Keep the distance between your feet and the distance between your shoulders slightly wider.
2. Inhale and extend your right arm straight above your head and bring your right arm parallel to your right ear.
3. Exhale and bend your torso to your left side at the waist.
4. At the same time bring your left arm down to your left side until your fingers touch your ankle.
5. At this time keep your right arm horizontal as your head is tilted to the left.
6. Hold the pose for 30 seconds by keeping your knees and elbows straight.
7. Inhale and straighten yourself up. And repeat this posture on the other side.
2. Sarvangasana
Sarvangasana keeps the body balanced on the shoulders and head and blood circulation to your head and face which not only helps in brightening your face but also cures the problem of pimples and blackheads.

How to do
1. Lie flat on your back with your feet close together and your chin tucked in.
2. Take a deep breath and lift up until your legs are straight, lengthening your legs on the torso.
3. Place your hands under you with your palms facing up. Prepare to raise your torso by placing your hands under your hips.
4. Gently lift your torso until you rest on your shoulders.
5. With your arms bent at the corners, bring your hands behind your back to support yourself. Your feet should now be over your head.
6. Gently straighten your back and keep your knees tight but now keep your calf muscles relaxed and sacred.
7. Lower your legs to the floor until they are at a 45 degree angle above your head to relax. and relax.
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3. Balasana
Balasana is a pose where your body is completely bent down so that the blood supply to your head is highly beneficial in curing all kinds of skin related problems and brightening the face.

How to do
1. Get down on your hands and knees on the yoga mat.
2. Place the tops of your feet on the floor with your knees spread as wide as your mat and your toes touching.
3. Shoulders jaw and eyes should all be relaxed with your stomach in your thighs and your forehead pressed to the floor. The key to achieving this relaxing effect is to find a comfortable place for the forehead.
4. You can hector your arms outstretched in front of you or facing the ground or retracted with your thighs together.
5. Hold the onion up and extend your hand to release it. Or bend the elbows so that the palms touch. And
The thumbs should rest on the back of the neck. Lean forward with elbows in this position.
6. Do what you like more. If you do a lot of shoulder work, the second option is better.
7. Stay in this position as long as you can bear it. Finally reconnect your breath with the continuous breath.
4. Bhujangasana
Bhujangasana is not only effective in relieving back and shoulder pain but also relaxes you and improves your mood, softens the skin and keeps the face glowing.

How to do
1. Lie on your stomach in a resting position with your arms crossed in front of you and placed above your head.
2. Gently bring your feet together and place your forehead on the floor.
3. Cross your arms and bend your elbows, bringing your palms under your shoulders.
4. Inhale with your elbows off the ground and push your chin out and lift your forehead.
5. Keep your torso on the floor and make sure your stomach is pressed into the floor.
6. Gently feel the tension in your spine by imagining the movement of raising the snake’s hood. And show the holy.
7. Slowly relax your body back to the floor and lift your head until your torso is completely down.
5. Uttanasana
uttanasana not only stretches the back and shoulders but also improves blood flow to the brain. So it is very beneficial in bringing glow to the face.

How to do
1.Stand on your knees and keep your knees and feet together with your legs completely straight.
2. Lean on the back and gently slide further back, grasping the right heel with the right hand and the left heel with the left hand. But avoid straining the body.
3. Keep the thighs upright by pushing the hips forward.
4. Then bend the head and spine backwards as possible without straining.
5. The weight of the city should be equally supported by the legs and arms by relaxing the muscles of the body and back.
6. Place the hands in such a way that they anchor the shoulders to maintain a back arch. But stay in the same position as long as you are comfortable.
7. Then release each hand from the heels to the starting position.
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6. Matsyasana
In Matsya festival, by supporting the head and raising the shoulders and waist, the blood supply to the head is balanced, the body also gets relaxed and glowing skin.

How to do
1. Lie level on your back with your feet together.
2. Place your feet on the floor and bring your hands under your thighs and hips.
3. Raise your chest by keeping your forearms firmly on the floor at your elbows.
4. At the point when your chest is off the floor, bring down your head until it contacts the floor.
5. Your torso should bear the weight, not your elbows and your head.
6. Now that your body is in an arch, breathe evenly and keep it sacred for a minute.
7. To relax from the asana, lift your head off the floor and relax your body by straightening your back and now lowering your torso completely to the floor.
7. Halasana
Halasana increases the blood circulation to the face and head and the glow of the face increases and you can hold this yoga pose for a long time without any problem in the body.

How to do
Lying flat on your back with your legs close together, now keep your anavati in.
Taking a deep breath. Inhale. And lift your legs up until your ki are up so they are long on your tree.
3. Place your hands under your hips with your palms up and your hands down on your own and prepare for a slight extension.
4. Gently lift your torso until you are resting on your shoulders.
5. Your arms should now be bent at the elbows to support yourself and bring your legs over your head with your hands on your back.
6. Gently straighten your back and keep your knees tight while keeping your calf muscles in place. Now you are in Sarvangasana posture.
7. From this lower your front legs so that your feet touch the ground above your head. Lay down flat, parallel to your ground. You can hold this position for up to 30 seconds, breathing evenly.
In the above session we have told you 7 yogas which you can practice regularly to improve your lifeless face as well as dull face as well as your damaged skin and give glowing skin. You will be surprised to know that yoga is not only beneficial for health but also helps in making your skin glow.
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