5 Effective Yoga Asanas to Increase Height | 5 Yoga Asanas For Height


YOGA ASANAS TO INCREASE HEIGHT: If you are looking for what kind of yoga to do to increase height? Are you wondering how to increase height with yoga? Then you are in the right place!

In this session we are going to look at some yoga poses to increase height that will help you improve your posture and also look taller and fill you with confidence.

Does yoga help increase height?

 Yes, yogasanas help increase height in children below eighteen years. A 2021 study found that children (aged 14-17) who did regular yoga for 12 weeks increased their height significantly.

It has been found that proper yoga practice helped to strengthen and improve the flexibility of their discs. By widening the space between the vertebrae and increasing the distance between the thigh and also the shin bones, it helps to increase height.

Doing yoga not only helps in increasing skeletal height in adults, but it also helps you develop excellent posture, strength, flexibility and also creates better body awareness. All this helps you express your height better and prevents your height from shrinking with age.

 Five yoga poses to increase height

1. Tadasana (Palm Tree Pose)

This is one of the most incredible yoga asanas to increment level. Because it fully stretches and straightens your spine and works to stimulate the hormones responsible for increasing your height.

Tadasana (Palm Tree Pose)
Tadasana (Palm Tree Pose)

How to do

1. Stand up straight with your feet separated.

2. Bring your wrists out in front of you and interlace your fingers.

3. Inhale and raise your hands above your head

4. Lift your heels off the floor while balancing on your toes.

5. You can also hold the position for ten to fifteen seconds.

6. Exhale as you bring your heels back to the floor.

7. Lower to your side with your fingers unlocked.

2. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

This yoga pose improves posture by targeting your abdominal muscles and reducing stress on your spine. It helps you look taller

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

How to do

1. Lie on your stomach with your chin on the Yogamat.

 2. Place your palms under your shoulders.

 3. Inhale and lift your chest as far off the floor as you can while keeping your hips stable on the mat.

 4. Keep your shoulders in a relaxed position and keep your chest away from your ears.

5. Breathe out and gradually return to the beginning position.

 6. The asana should be repeated five to ten times.

3. Paschimottanasana (sitting forward bend)

Yoga postures not only stretch your spine and hamstrings to increase height, but also release tension in your vertebrae, giving you a taller look.

Paschimottanasana (sitting forward bend)
Paschimottanasana (sitting forward bend)

How to do

 1. Sit with your legs spread out in front with your back straight and your toes pointing towards you.

 2. Extend your arms above your head.

 3. Exhale and bend forward at your hips as you try to touch your toes behind you.

4. Keep your hands comfortably touching your feet. It could be your toes or your ankles.

5. Now lower your head and pull yourself forward while feeling the tension in your spine.

 6. You can hold this position for eight to ten seconds. Release your hands and come to the starting position.

4. Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)

This is one of the best yoga poses to increase height. But it stimulates your pituitary gland.

This increase is responsible for hormone secretion.

Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)
Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)

How to do

 1. Stand with your feet together.

 2. Look to the front focal point for balance.

 3. Lift your right leg off the ground and also grasp the right knee with both hands.

 4. Try to balance with your dawa feet firmly planted on the ground.

 5. Grabbing the right ankle with the right hand, try to bring the sole of your foot as high as possible on the left inner thigh.

 6. Press your right leg firmly into your thigh to form a block with pressure from the other side.

 7. Form a prayer position by raising your hands above your head.

8. You can stand firm on the foothold for 30 seconds and afterward return to the beginning position.

5. USTRASANA (Camel Pose)

 This pose stretches your core and hamstrings. And also prevents slouching so it is an excellent yoga pose for increasing height.

USTRASANA (Camel Pose)
USTRASANA (Camel Pose)

How to do

1. Place your hands on your hips in a kneeling position and begin this asana.

 2. Keep your feet hip distance apart and point your palms upwards.

 3. Exhale and push your hips forward and arch your back.

 4. Place your palms on your ankles with your arms in a straight line. Make sure you don’t strain your neck.

 5. You can stay in this position for up to ten seconds.

 6. Release the pose with a breath and relax into child’s pose.

Tips to remember while doing yoga to increase height

1. Before doing these height-enhancing yoga poses, you should start with gentle exercises to prepare your muscles and joints to reduce the risk of injury.

2. In a post that challenges balance, focus on a specific point in front of you to avoid falling.

 3. Pay attention to how your body feels in each pose and if you feel pain or discomfort, stop practicing yoga.

4. You can modify the pose according to your flexibility and comfort level. Use blocks, straps or other props as needed.

5. If you have problems like back pain, high blood pressure or low blood pressure, dizziness, then you must consult a doctor before practicing yoga.


 The above session has mentioned five yoga poses that will help you increase your height.

 Now you understand that yoga helps to stretch and lengthen your muscles as well as strengthen them. And also plays an important role in increasing your posture.

2 thoughts on “5 Effective Yoga Asanas to Increase Height | 5 Yoga Asanas For Height”

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