Daily Yoga Practice

Yoga for Digestion

5 Yoga for Digestion | 5 Poses to Feel Lighter | Yoga for Digestion

Introduction Post-Meal Yoga for Digestion: According to health experts, the practice of yoga is beneficial for both body and mind and is effective in the prevention and treatment of many diseases. Regular yoga asanas should be practiced to make the body flexible, strengthen muscles and reduce excess.  Stomach-related problems occur during monsoons. Consuming foods like […]

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Brain Health Yoga

5 Yoga Exercises To Improve Memory And Concentration | Brain Health Yoga

Introduction Yoga Exercises To Improve Memory And Concentration: As we move towards old age, we face some challenges to maintain the health and youthfulness of our system which also applies to our brain. While we can try to sharpen our brains to some extent by playing brain games, as we grow older, we need some

5 Yoga Exercises To Improve Memory And Concentration | Brain Health Yoga Read More »

Yoga Poses To Reduce Bad Cholesterol

5 Yoga Poses To Reduce Bad Cholesterol Levels | Yoga for Bad Cholesterol

Introduction Yoga Poses To Reduce Bad Cholesterol: yoga poses daily to reduce bad cholesterol: Cholesterol plays an important role in building healthy cells and making vitamins and hormones in the body. However, excess cholesterol is harmful. Because it can cause heart diseases. High levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, which we know as bad cholesterol.

5 Yoga Poses To Reduce Bad Cholesterol Levels | Yoga for Bad Cholesterol Read More »

3 Amazing Gentle Yoga Poses for Post Surgery Recovery

3 Yoga Poses for Post Surgery Recovery | Yoga For Surgery Recovery

introduction However, practicing Yoga Poses for Post Surgery Recovery can support a smoother and more effective healing process. Yoga provides gentle movement and mobility to the body and can aid in recovery. This helps reduce the anxiety that commonly occurs after major procedures.  A 2008 study found that practicing yoga reduced post-operative distress and had

3 Yoga Poses for Post Surgery Recovery | Yoga For Surgery Recovery Read More »

6 Poses to Manage IT

6 Poses to Manage IT | Yoga for Uric Acid Control | Yoga for Health

introduction We all know the wonders of yoga for our overall health. Also, many people are not aware that yoga can help in reducing high uric acid levels naturally. Check out Yoga for Uric Acid control. Your friend is made up of uric acid and most of this waste (uric acid) is excreted through urine

6 Poses to Manage IT | Yoga for Uric Acid Control | Yoga for Health Read More »

Yoga for Hormonal Balance

5 Yoga for Hormonal Balance | Best Yoga for Hormonal Balance

Introduction If you are suffering from hormonal imbalance then you should try some simple yet effective yoga exercises at home.  Yoga can be a game changer for managing hormonal balance. Certain poses and exercises can help ease menstrual cramps, reduce swelling, and promote overall health.  Practices such as deep breathing and meditation also contribute to

5 Yoga for Hormonal Balance | Best Yoga for Hormonal Balance Read More »

Yoga to Build Strength

5 Yoga Poses to Build Strength in Your Arms | Yoga to Build Strength

Introduction If you practice Chaturanga Dandasana, arm strengthening yoga poses can help you build strength at any stage of your journey.  You don’t need to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger pumping iron at the gym to build arm strength, arm strength yoga strengthens and tones your muscles using only body weight. Read More 5 Effective Yoga

5 Yoga Poses to Build Strength in Your Arms | Yoga to Build Strength Read More »

Breathing Exercises

5 Amazing Breathing Exercises For Hormonal Balance | Hormonal Balance Yoga

introduction Breathing Exercise For Hormonal Balance: Balance feels like the ultimate state of well-being. Where everything is perfectly aligned and functioning without any hindrance. With our hectic lives, balance can seem like a completely unattainable goal.  Or at least one that requires extensive repair. The truth is that time and time again, my clients get

5 Amazing Breathing Exercises For Hormonal Balance | Hormonal Balance Yoga Read More »

Surya Namaskar Benefit How To Do It

13 Amazing Surya Namaskar Benefits How To Do It | What is Surya Namaskar?

Introduction  Surya Namaskar Benefits How To Do It: Sun is the main source of energy in the universe without the sun’s energy we cannot imagine our life on this earth. Surya Namaskar is an ancient technique of expressing respect and gratitude that has enabled life on Earth. What is Surya Namaskar?  Suryanamaskar is a unique

13 Amazing Surya Namaskar Benefits How To Do It | What is Surya Namaskar? Read More »

yoga meditation

5 Easy Tips to Yoga Meditation | Find Yoga Journey

Introduction This is a great place to start if you are trying to meditate and don’t know where to start. Yoga Meditation is used to reduce symptoms of stress, such as headaches, and to relieve physical complaints. What is Yoga Meditation? Jnana is the cessation of all thoughts and concentration on a single object. As

5 Easy Tips to Yoga Meditation | Find Yoga Journey Read More »